Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Agenda Item - 10


Text Box:                                                                                                                          

City of Burbank
                                                                          Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: October 26, 2004
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM:  Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director  



The purpose of this report is to propose additional Public Art Fund procedures for adoption which can be utilized by the City Council when initiating the development of a public art installation, to appropriate $50,000 from the Public Art Fund to finance an art installation or installations on the Chandler Bikeway, and to direct staff to initiate a procedure which will recommend an art proposal to City Council for their approval.




The Public Art Fund was created as an option for developers who do not desire to install on-site art.  They can contribute their 1% obligation to this fund which is to be utilized for maintaining public owned art, enhancing new proposals, and developing additional art installations on public owned property.  Currently, there is approximately $375,000 in the fund.


On September 8, 1998, Council adopted the Public Art Fund Policies, Procedures and Evaluation Criteria.  These policies govern the manner in which projects are brought back to Council for final approval.  However, they do not stipulate how Council initiated projects are developed.


At the September 28, 2004 City Council meeting, staff presented an item on the agenda to discuss the potential of developing a public art installation on the Chandler Bikeway (Attachment A). This was the first step in what is referred to as a �two step process.� The Bikeway has improved the �quality of life� for many Burbank residents.  There are young families, teenagers and adults walking, skating and biking on this recreational venue.  Installing appropriate art will enhance this active environment.  While it was Council�s desire to move forward with a project, staff was directed to alter or add to the Public Art Fund Procedure detailing the art selection process. 




Staff is proposing that the Public Art Fund Procedure (Attachment B) be expanded to include an additional separate section of procedures.  All existing procedures would remain as Option 1.  Option 2 would only be utilized by City Council initiated projects.  However, Council could select to utilize Option 1 if that was their desire.


Option 2 Procedure for Public Funded Art (City Council initiated projects):

  1. Establish a committee to select an artist or specific art installation which would be recommended to Council for final approval and funding.

  2. If a committee is not desired, direct staff to contact a specific artist, or artist�s representative concerning a potential art installation, which will be brought back to Council for final approval and funding.

  3. Direct staff to negotiate a price for a specific art work. The cost of the piece will be brought back to Council for their approval and funding.

Staff, with the Art in Public Places Committee�s concurrence, will ensure that the proposed art installation will meet the Art in Public Places Ordinance�s criteria.  


Adding this proposed option to the existing adopted Public Art Fund Procedure (Attachment C) will allow Council flexibility when it is their desire to move forward with a public art installation.  The existing procedures will continue to be utilized for all public funded art projects initiated by entities other than Council.  Option 2 will be less time consuming and, if Council had a desire to secure a specific art installation, staff or a committee could deal directly with an artist or his/her representative with potential cost savings.




The Public Art Fund has approximately $375,000.  Council could appropriate $50,000 from Account 001.ND000.21016.000 to Account 370.PR32D.70002.0000.15439. This would provide a public art installation or installations on the Chandler Bikeway.




It is the recommendation of staff that City Council adopt the addition of Option 2 to the Public Art Fund Procedures. It is also the recommendation of staff that City Council approve an appropriation of $50,000 from the Public Art Fund to develop a Public Art installation or installations for the Chandler Bikeway.  Thirdly, direct staff to initiate the desired procedures to select art which will be recommended to Council for their approval.








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