Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Agenda Item - 9


Text Box:                                                                                                                          
City of Burbank
                                                                                  Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: September 28, 2004
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director



At the August 10, 2004 City Council meeting, Council Member Stacey Murphy requested that staff place an item on the agenda to discuss the potential of developing a public art installation on the Chandler Bikeway.  Prior to extending significant staff effort, this item has been placed on the agenda as the first step, in what is referred to as the �one-step, two-step process�, for additional Council discussion and consideration.




The City has developed numerous public art installations in conjunction with new capital projects.  These would include, but are not limited to, the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility, the Stough Canyon Nature Center, the Buena Vista Library/Lincoln Park, and the McCambridge Park renovation.


The Art in Public Places Ordinance requires that a development project with a construction budget over $500,000 contribute 1% towards an art installation. �Development Project� shall mean any development which requires a building permit.  Since the Chandler Bikeway has no buildings, it did not need to comply with the Ordinance.


The Chandler Bikeway will cost in excess of $2,000,000.  Most of the funding came from resources that are transportation specific and are not available to fund an art project. These include Proposition A and C, MTA Grants, and Transportation Development Act funds.  The General Fund, which is not transportation specific, contributed $784,729.


The Transportation Commission and Citizens Advisory Committee were interested in paying homage to the site�s rail history.  These plans were dropped due to cost considerations, however, some of the railroad fixtures were saved to be potentially utilized in a future project.


The bikeway site offers numerous opportunities for art installations.  However, it is important to note that such installations would have to be approved by the MTA who co-owns the land with the City of Burbank.


Private developers who do not desire to install on-site art must contribute their 1% obligation to this fund.  Currently, there is approximately $375,000 in the fund.  The City Council approved policies, developed by the Arts in Public Places Committee (Attachment I), govern how the fund is utilized and stipulate the manner in which public funded art projects are to be developed.




Funding this proposal project can be accomplished by appropriating a specific amount from the general fund or by utilizing a portion of the Public Art Fund.  The current Public Art Fund policies govern the manner in which projects are brought forward by entities other than Council. They do not specify a procedure which the Council must follow. However, the policies do dictate the process which �public funded� art projects are to be developed.


For the purpose of discussion the following �pros and cons� are based upon Council directing staff to utilize the Public Art Fund to fund an art project for the Chandler Bikeway.




1)         Funds are available.  Only a portion is set aside for repairs and maintenance ($20,000).  Other policies require matching contributions and there is a maximum amount which governs proposals that are forwarded by Boards, Commissions, civic organizations, and individuals.  However, none of these policies are directed toward Council initiated projects.


2)         Public involvement could be secured through the creation of a Site Specific Art Committee who would make a recommendation to Council, through the Arts in Public Places Committee.


3)         The Chandler Bikeway has definitely improved the �quality of life� for many Burbank residents. There are individuals of all ages  walking, skating and biking along the corridor. Installing appropriate art would enhance this active environment.




1)         Public Art Fund projects utilize a specific procedure.  The basic steps are to appoint a Site Specific Art Committee, hire an art consultant to initiate an artist search, select an artist who will develop a proposal and, if recommended, it will be brought back through the Arts in Public Places Committee to Council for final approval.  This process can be time consuming.


2)         There are a number of other projects which could utilize the Public Art Fund in the future.  They include D.C.S.B., �Five Points� for a monument installation (a Council goal and objective), additional art for Lincoln Park (sites have previously been designated) and Ovrom Park.


If Council funded this project through unappropriated general funds they could direct staff to negotiate directly with specific artists to secure proposals and costs that meet their desires.




1)         This process of selecting an art installation would be less time consuming than the Public Funded art process.


2)         If Council had a desire to secure a specific art installation, staff could deal directly with the artist or his/her representative with potential cost savings.


3)         The Chandler Bikeway has definitely improved the �quality of life� for many Burbank residents.  There are individuals of all ages  walking, skating and biking along the corridor. Installing appropriate art would enhance this active environment.




1)         Funding would be from the unappropriated general fund, not the Public Art Fund.


2)         Less public input in the selection process.





As the first step in a two-step agenda process, this item is being presented for discussion and additional Council direction only.




Staff recommends that the Council initiate discussion on the possibility of directing staff to initiate the process of developing an art installation for the Chandler Bikeway.




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