Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 24, 2004Agenda Item - 2a |
The Council authorized staff to negotiate a development agreement with the Airport Authority which would be designed to help promote a joint and unified effort to seek nighttime noise relief measures at the Bob Hope Airport. The agreement would also eliminate on-going zoning disputes and any planning for a new terminal, while allowing the Authority to purchase an existing airport parking lot.
The Airport Authority is acting as the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (�CEQA�) and has prepared an Initial Study to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed agreement. The City is a responsible agency, for it is a public agency with discretionary approval over the project. At the date of this distribution, the Initial Study has been prepared by the Authority but not yet released to the public. The Airport Authority Commission is planning to review the document -- and start the public comment period -- on August 30, 2004. The Initial Study is also expected to be discussed by the Airport Authority�s Legal Committee on Wednesday, August 25, 2004. Copies of the Initial Study will be available for the public and Council at the Council meeting of August 24, 2004. The Airport Authority's environmental consultant, ESA, will be present at the Council meeting to summarize and discuss the Initial Study. Additionally, Peter Kirsch will also provide a brief update of the status of the negotiations. A schedule of some of the remaining items is attached to this memo.
Schedule for Public Review Proposed Development Agreement with the Airport Authority
Council Discussion of Initial Study August 24
Authority Consideration of Initial Study (Commission Legal Committee) August 25
Full Commission Review of Initial Study August 30
Public Comment Period on Initial Study August 30 � September 21
Planning Board Meeting on Initial Study September 13
Update Briefing for City Council September 21
Release of Draft Documents Mid-Late September