Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 27, 2004Agenda Item - 2 |
To request City Council approval of a resolution confirming and approving the itemized written report submitted by the County of Los Angeles Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures, and the special assessment for the costs to abate certain weeds and debris. This resolution also directs the Agricultural Commissioner to file with the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, a certified copy of this resolution, and a copy of the itemized list of private property costs for abatement work performed by the County of Los Angeles.
As in prior years, the purpose of the annual weed abatement program is to remove the nuisance created on certain private properties by weeds and debris. The nuisances are potential fire hazards and serve as a haven for rodents and vectors. Each December the County provides us with a list of properties in need of abatement.
On February 10, 2004, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 26,651, certifying the County's list declaring that weeds and debris on certain properties were a nuisance and required abatement. After the February 10 meeting, the listed property owners were notified of the status of their parcels.
On February 17, 2004, following a public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 26,658 ordering the abatement of nuisances caused by weeds and debris on the declared properties, and authorizing an assessment for costs incurred for abatement work performed by the County of Los Angeles.
The property list for abatement certified by Resolution No. 26,651 was provided by the County of Los Angeles in December 2003. The Los Angeles Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures completed the abatement of weeds and debris on all parcels that did not respond to the earlier notice and submitted a report dated June 30, 2004, (attached) that identifies the parcels where abatement occurred and the cost of abatement.
Public properties owned by general government (such as LA Department Water and Power), and the Burbank Redevelopment Agency are cleared by the County of Los Angeles Weed Abatement Division and are charged for the costs incurred.
The resolution before the Council confirms the report and the assessments against the affected properties, which if confirmed, will be submitted to the Los Angeles County tax collector for inclusion in the 2004 and 2005 property tax bill. Those property owners who opted to pay their bill outside of this process will not have a lien assessed on their property tax bill. The attached declaration list identifies the 32 properties for which weed abatement services were provided at a total cost of $4,144.24.
The County of Los Angeles incurred the costs for clearing certain private properties of weeds and debris. The County may be reimbursed directly or through the property tax bill as a lien against private property. There is no cost to the City of Burbank General Fund or Redevelopment Agency�s budget for this program, other than incidental administrative costs to coordinate the program.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution.
Exhibit A