Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 29, 2004Agenda Item - 5 |
To appropriate funds from asset forfeiture checks returned to the City from the State and Federal Government in the amount of $123,656.04.
The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 provides for the disposition of forfeited assets and the management of such assets by the U.S. Department of Justice. The statute directs the Attorney General to ensure the equitable transfer of any forfeited property to the appropriate State or local law enforcement agency participating directly in any of the acts which led to the seizure or forfeiture of such property. Title 21 United States Code, Section 881(E), provides for the Attorney General to disburse the forfeited funds for the sole purpose of law enforcement activities, and specifically to aid our drug enforcement efforts. Such monies must be in addition to, and not substituted for, existing budgeted funds.
Since September 2003, the City has received asset forfeiture checks from the State and Federal Government, which represents the City�s share of drug cases involving the Police Department�s Narcotics Detail, as follows:
As of March 24, 2004, the amount of asset forfeiture funds returned to the City is $13,083,428.95, of which approximately $2,337,560.03 remains available. Asset forfeiture funds continue to be utilized to fund major expenditures such as the purchase and operation of a significant portion of the police helicopter program, technological improvements, safety and communication equipment for police officers, and our continuing funding of the DARE Program.
Adoption of the proposed resolution will allow the City to appropriate asset forfeiture revenues already received. The Drug Asset Forfeiture Fund (Fund 124) will be amended by appropriating $123,656.04 from account 124-PD000-30004, Unappropriated Fund Balance, to the following expenditure accounts:
$05,883.00 to 124-PD91C-62410 $69,087.60 to 124-PD91B-70015 $33,337.00 to 124-PD91C-70015 $15,348.44 to 124-PD91D-70015
This resolution does not negatively impact the Asset Forfeiture Fund or any other City fund.
It is recommended that the City Council approve a resolution accepting and appropriating these funds totaling $123,656.04.
THOMAS HOEFEL Chief of Police