Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 29, 2004Agenda Item - 15 |
Water Quality
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable * Excluding Power Plant sales.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Capital Projects
Legislative Update
Electric Reliability
The following table shows the systemwide reliability statistics through May 2004 for Fiscal Year 2003-04 as compared to Fiscal Year 2002-03:
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable
* Note: There is a payment of approximately $9 million for principal and interest on Fund 496 Bonds due on June 1, 2004.
Local Generation Operations Update Unit Status
May 2004 Unit Data
Power Supply
To date, BWP has been working with FERC to get the $ 6 million owed by the California ISO. This trading was facilitated by Sempra Energy Trading on behalf of BWP with the California ISO. In May 2004, FERC has decided that it will no longer work directly with BWP on the $ 6 million refunding issues. Furthermore, BWP will have to work directly with Sempra because this refund is now under the Sempra refund umbrella. BWP is currently working on the appropriate legal strategy to recover this money that is owed to BWP.
As previously reported, the California Public Utility Commission�s (CPUC) Commissioners voted out a Decision approving implementation of the Gas Industry Restructuring (GIR) Order D. 04-04-015 on the SoCalGas intrastate pipeline system last April. The decision directed SoCalGas to hold off implementation of the GIR on SoCalGas� intrastate pipeline system after an initial decision on Phase I, R. 04-01-025 is expected this summer.
On May 27, the CPUC unanonimously voted out a decision stating that GIR order, D. 04-04-015, will not automatically expire when the Phase 1 decision is issued in the long-term gas supply Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR), R.04-01-025. An affirmative action of the CPUC is required for the implementation of the GIR.
Current pending SoCalGas and SDG&E Biannual Cost Allocation Proceeding (BCAP) applications were dismissed at the May 27th meeting. Utilities will file new BCAP applications 120 days after an affirmative Commission action lifting the aforementioned stay or �as otherwise ordered by the Commission�.
The engineering and fabrication work associated with this project continues on budget with a scheduled date of late 2004.
Magnolia Power Project (MPP)
The items in this report are provided as a general overview of the status of the Project. These items are discussed in considerable detail among the Project Participants at the Project Coordination Meeting each Friday and at Coordinating Committee meetings.
Through May, Kvaerner has worked 237,792 man-hours with no lost time cases and three recordable cases.
Refer to the attachment for detailed information on actual expenditures for the period ending May 31, 2004.
The project remains on schedule for a commercial operation date of May 25, 2005. Refer to the attachment for detailed information on Project milestones.
The Magnolia Power Project Finance Committee reviewed refunding proposals on June 7 and it was decided by the committee that there will not be a Project A refunding at this time.
CEC Compliance
Excavation monitoring continues pursuant to Conditions of Certification. Monthly reports are being made as required by the CEC. No violations of conditions have occurred.
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Activities since last Project Director�s Report of May 17, 2004.
Facilities Agreement. The Agreement was executed by Los Angeles and Burbank regarding upgrades required on the LADWP system as a result of the Project.
Transmission Study Project. The study work will begin in the near future.
Scheduled Services. Glendale is ordering two, 2.5 ohm reactors at Western to fulfill its obligations for scheduled services.
Coordinating Committee Action at its Meeting on May 20
Project Manager�s Actions Since Last Project Director�s Report of May 17
With consultation and agreement from Project Participants, the following actions have been taken:
Key Milestones and Anticipated Significant Activities For Next 30 Days
Power Supply Capital Projects
The old Scipar SCADA hardware was disconnected and prepared for salvage. New operating screens for the Dispatchers were developed to better operate the Capon 34.5 kV network. Operating ratings of key equipment were updated on SCADA screens as necessary. Ratings of distribution feeders that needed updating/correcting on daily reports were identified and will be corrected as soon as possible.
The OPERA server that will provide Access database reporting capability to users was delivered by ASCE and installed for testing.
The OATI Scheduling and Transaction Management System (STMS) software acceptance testing continued during May. The work is continued on improving the responsiveness of the OATI software and its ability to provide net schedules on transmission lines. This project is scheduled to be completed in June.
Engineering provided a proposal to Universal Studios for fiber optic service connecting Universal Studios through Barham Blvd. to NBC studios 3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Engineering provided a proposal to SohoNet for fiber optic service connecting Warner Building 157 to West Olive Plaza 3601 W. Olive. Ave.
Engineering provided a proposal to Disney for fiber optic service connecting Disney CORE 914 Victory to Disney 640 Paula St. in Glendale.
Engineering provided a proposal to Disney for fiber optic service connecting Disney CORE 914 Victory to Disney team Disney Building 500 S. Buena Vista St.
Engineering provided a proposal to NBC Studios for fiber optic service connecting NBC Studios to LADWP Receiving Station �E� to connect to the HOY newsroom 207 S. Broadway in Los Angeles.
Engineering provided a proposal to Ascent Media for fiber optic service connecting Ascent Media 2130 Hollywood Way to 2801 W. Alameda Ave.
Engineering provided a proposal to DSW for fiber optic service connecting Burbank City Hall to LADWP Receiving Station �E� for network services.
Engineering provided a proposal to Media Net for fiber optic service connecting Lowry 2777 Ontario St. to LADWP Receiving Station �E�.
Engineering provided a proposal to Disney for fiber optic service connecting Dream Works 1000 Flower St. in Glendale to LADWP Receiving Station �E�. Engineering released a job order to the Operations Section to provide fiber optic service connecting Warner Building 157 to West Olive Plaza 3601 W. Olive. Ave. for new customer SohoNet.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Capon Station to the New Hollywood Way Station Communication Room.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Modern VideoFilm to connect 4411 W. Olive to 1733 Flower St.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Warner Building 157 to Warner Ranch.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Warner Building 157 to RSE.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Media Net to connect Warner Ranch to RSE. This job is related to the Hollywood Way relocation project.
Engineering released a job order to the Operations Section to provide an alternate link for NBC Studios to RSE.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job to provide an alternate link for Capon Station to Olive Station relays.
Field personnel completed the fiber optic job to relocate all fiber cables from old Hollywood Way Station to new Communication Room in the new Hollywood Way Station.
The status of Burbank Water and Power�s Administration Building, Phase III, Interior Remodel remains on hold pending design changes, plan revisions and final approval.
Painting of BWP�s Administration Building was completed.
Landscaping improvements along the Olive Avenue frontage from Lake Street to the LA County Flood Control Channel were completed.
Construction work for extending the ducts and manholes along Hollywood Way from the Warner Ranch Gate to Oak St., along Oak St. to California St., along California St. from Oak St. to Alameda Ave., and along Avon St. from Oak St. to the alley north of Alameda is complete. Perry C. Thomas, the private contractor for the Phase-2 has completed construction of the underground ductwork. Underground cable has been delivered and field crew has started installation of cables.
Since July 1, 2003, a total of 161 pole replacements/installations have been issued to the field. A total of 121 poles have been replaced in this fiscal year. Replacement of 30-pole line is under construction in the Media District area. In addition to pole replacements, a large area in the Media District is being rebuilt to 12 kV standards in preparation for future transfer of some Alameda feeder loads to the new Hollywood Way Station.
Since July 1, 2003, 18 pad mounted customer stations have been engineered, one of which was engineered in May. Since July, there have been 11 pad mounted customer stations issued to the field and 15 pad mounted customer stations have been energized.
Since July 1, 2003, four series circuit conversions to low voltage have been completed and twenty-five new streetlights have been installed. Three streetlight improvement and undergrounding projects have been issued and two have been completed. The design for the second phase of the Magnolia Boulevard Project between Pass Ave. and Buena Vista St. has been completed. The BWP Board awarded the bid for the substructure work to Steiny and Company, Inc. on April 1, 2004. The purchasing process was completed in May and construction is scheduled to start in June.
Replacement of the remaining oil switches with pole mounted airbreak switches has been issued to the field with the exception of the last one, Pacific-16 distributing switch, which will be removed during unloading of this feeder scheduled for November 2004.
Construction of the new Hollywood Way Substation, and transfer of load from the old Hollywood Way Station, is 100% complete. Construction of the new off-ramp was completed on June 30, 2003. The new Hollywood Way Station was completed and energized on March 1, and the remaining testing was completed by March 8. The dedication ceremony took place on March 30 and the load transfers were completed by April 30. By May 12 2004, five lines are reconfigured to connect from the Capon Switching Station, which completes the work scheduled for this fiscal year. The old Hollywood Way Substation is completely de-energized and the equipment is still on the pads ready to be removed when needed. The Community Development Department (CDD) Transportation and BWP are working on interim landscaping plan in front of old/new Hollywood Way and Alameda Substations due to delay in the construction of SR-134 on ramp project by Caltrans.
The Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) awarded a contract to ABB Inc. to design/build the Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) expansion at the Olive Switching Station. This will connect the Magnolia Power Plant to the Olive Switching Station. ABB had two design review meetings with staff and submitted the design for Chief Building Officer (CBO) approval in the first week of February 2004. The construction started at the end of March as scheduled. The GIS equipment is manufactured tested and ready to be shipped. GIS equipment, control building and all protection and controls are expected to arrive on site in June 2004.
Bock Co. has completed the installation of a new underground duct system in the BWP Yard to underground two 69,000 volt overhead lines as a part of BWP�s overall plan to improve and modernize the BWP generating site. Both riser poles north of the Magnolia Bridge are completed along with cables to the first manholes at the northeast corner of the BWP Yard. Cable and all other related materials are ordered . This work is expected to be completed before MPP goes on-line.
The 69,000 volt underground cable and devices were ordered for making the connections from MPP to the Olive Switching station. The generator step-up (GSU) and other related power transformers are manufactured and tested and getting ready to be shipped from Turkey in early June 2004.
BWP staff is working on the Olive Switching Station retrofit by upgrading circuit breakers, busses and other equipment. This upgrade is needed for the Magnolia Power Project and approximately thirty-five percent of the work is completed.
A total of 1,536 remote meters have been installed; 802 were requested by the Customer Service Division, and 734 were meter change outs performed by the Line Crews or Test Shop.
Legislative Update:
Refer to the attached legislative reports.