Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 22, 2004Agenda Item - 6 |
To request City Council acceptance of monies donated to the Burbank Police and Fire Museum and to appropriate the monies accordingly.
For the past several years, the Road Kings Car Club has been giving generous donations to the Fire and Police Departments for use in the Police/Fire Museum. In March, the Road Kings gave a donation in the amount of $1,000 to help defray costs associated with improvements in the museum.
To utilize monies generated by donations, the Fire Department is requesting that the budget be amended to appropriate $1,000 from account 131-ND000-45000 to account number 001-PD03A-62300.
Staff is recommending that the City Council express its appreciation to all donors and adopt a resolution amending the FY 2003-2004 budget by appropriating the above donations in the amount of $1,000.