Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 8, 2004Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of a resolution establishing the specification and salary for the classification of Police Administrator CTC No. 0638, as shown in the attachment.
Over the past several years, the duties of the Administrative Officer in the Police Department have expanded significantly. The position is now equivalent to that of a division head. Although all of the other division heads in the Police Department are sworn Police Captains, the Administrative Officer participates as a full member of the command staff and is recognized by all departmental personnel as such.
The Administrative Officer is now responsible for financial services, budget, payroll, purchasing, asset/forfeiture, parking citation management, alarm permits, and grants. This position also advises the other division heads/sworn Police Captains on personnel issues including disciplinary matters.
The new proposed title and specification more accurately describes the actual duties and requirements of this position. The proposed changes will also assist the department in their recruitment efforts for this highly specialized field.
The establishment of a new title and specification for the classification of Police Administrator addresses the significant changes to the position and more clearly reflects the actual duties and requirements for this position. They also clearly address the current and on-going needs of the department.
This classification will be an unrepresented management (�Z� group) position, exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act. This position will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code. The Civil Service Board was advised of this specification at their regular meeting on April 7, 2004.
The salary range for the Police Administrator position was established by comparing the salary and duties for the Administrative Officer, Police Captain, and the comparables in Burbank�s survey cities to the proposed duties for this new position. It was determined that the salary range should be set at 65% of the Police Chief�s salary. As such, the new Police Administrator position�s salary range will be set at $6,743 - $8,193.
The department will be replacing the Administrative Officer position with the new position of Police Administrator. The position has been budgeted in the 2004/2005 Budget.
Staff recommends adoption of the proposed resolution. Staff also recommends that the salary for the classification be set as proposed.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director