Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Agenda Item - 4



City of Burbank








Management Services Department


DATE: May 4, 2004
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of a resolution establishing the specification for the classification of Executive Assistant CTC No. 0275, as shown in the attachment.




As part of the recent consolidations within departments, many duties and responsibilities have been shifted and/or reassigned.  Additionally, computer technology has changed many of the needs of departments for clerical support.  Some, but not all, departments have administrative needs greater than that offered by the classification of Administrative Secretary.  The classification of Executive Assistant will give the departments the flexibility, if needed, to have a position that can perform more complex administrative as well as secretarial duties.  This type of position is more reflective of the current trends in management.  This will also assist the departments as they need to recruit for this highly specialized field.


The new proposed title and specification more accurately describes the actual duties and requirements for this type of position and is comparable to the titles and specifications in Burbank�s survey cities.  Additionally, each department head reviewed the proposed specification for this position and provided input.




The establishment of a new title and specification for the classification of Executive Assistant addresses the significant changes to the position and more clearly reflects the actual duties and requirements for this position.   The Executive Assistant will not only be required to perform the complex secretarial duties of the Administrative Secretary position, but will additionally be expected to perform more confidential and complex administrative and support functions such as handling information regarding personnel, controversial matters, and administrative operations.  This position will have a higher level of discretion in handling complaints, problems, and issues so as to relieve the department head from these tasks.  This new position clearly addresses the current and on-going needs of the departments.


This classification will be an unrepresented management (�Z� group) position, exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  This position will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Civil Service Board was advised of this specification at their regular meeting on April 7, 2004.




The salary range for the Executive Assistant position was established by comparing the salary and duties for the Administrative Secretary in various departments and the comparables in Burbank�s survey cities to the proposed duties for this position.  It was determined that the salary range should be set at 100.5% of the Administrative Secretary.  As such, the new Executive Assistant position�s salary range will be set at $3,354 - $4,075.


Additionally, the position of Administrative Secretary is paid a 5% differential for those who are required to take official minutes for various boards, commissions, and committees.  It was determined that the newly created position of Executive Assistant, if required to also take official minutes, should be paid a 5% differential.  In this case, the salary range will be set at $3,522 - $4,279.


Each department head will determine whether the needs of the department are such that the position of Executive Assistant is more appropriate than the position of Administrative Secretary.  Should any of the departments be interested in utilizing this new position, they will need to be able to absorb the additional budgetary impact or budget for this position in the 2004-2005 Budget.  The minimal additional cost of an Executive Assistant position is less than $300 per year over that of an Administrative Secretary position.




Staff recommends that the specification for the classification of Executive Assistant CTC No. 0275 be established, as shown in the attachment.  Staff also recommends that the salary for the classification be set as proposed.


Respectfully submitted,

Judie Sarquiz

Management Services Director



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