Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Agenda Item - 3




DATE: May 4, 2004
TO: Mary Alvord, City Manager

Sue Georgino, Community Development Director

via Art Bashmakian, Assistant Community Development Director /City Planner 

by Barbara Lazar, Senior Planner


First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with EIP Associates for the Preparation of Studies and Recommendations regarding Compact Single Family Residential Use, Mixed Use Development and Commercial and Industrial Floor Area Ratios to be incorporated in zoning and used in Updating the General Plan Land Use Element.



This report requests City Council approval of an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with EIP Associates (EIP) to prepare studies and recommendations regarding compact single family residential use, mixed use development and commercial and industrial floor area ratios.  These studies are all integral components of the Land Use Element of the General Plan that is currently being updated.  Further, creating new zoning for mixed-use and small lot developments are both City Council work program items.  




On January 20, 2004 the City Council approved Resolution No. 26,641 providing $50,000 to study multiple family densities and design; on March 23, 2004, the City Manager approved a PSA with EIP Associates to carryout this study.  EIP is currently working on this project.


In assessing residential uses in conjunction with the Land Use Element update, staff proposes to include new residential options into the mix of housing types in the City: compact single family residential development and mixed-use development combining commercial and residential uses.  Inasmuch as neither the City�s General Plan nor Zoning ordinance provide for these new development types citywide, staff plans to study appropriate locations for these uses, typologies, economic impacts and appropriate development standards to achieve the housing goals of the community.


EIP is currently working with staff on the study of multifamily densities and development standards as directed by the Council, and staff seeks City Council approval of an amendment to the existing PSA with EIP Associates to perform the necessary work on the above described studies.    In the event that citywide or localized density reductions result from this study, staff intends to identify opportunities for recapturing some of the lost dwelling unit capacity through other types and locations of development.  Mixed-use and compact single family development are two such opportunities.  Therefore, this proposed scope of work will be closely related to the work that EIP is already performing on the multifamily study.


In addition to working on multiple family related issues, EIP Associates will assist staff with the formulation of Floor Area Ratio standards as a means of addressing impacts of commercial and industrial development.  This effort is closely related to traffic impact analysis that is currently being studied as part of the Land Use and Transportation Elements update.  


Staff anticipates a subsequent contract with EIP that will involve oversight of the entire process of updating the Land Use Element and integration of the various related projects such as inclusionary zoning, density bonus laws, Housing Element update, fee increases, and revisions to the development review process.  Staff expects to have this additional contract ready for approval by the end of May.




The City has a current contract with EIP Associates for the Multifamily Residential Density and Design Study that City Council requested.  EIP is currently working on this study.


There are significant time and budgetary economies to having a single consultant work on all the Land Use related issues.  Several of the tasks involved in these studies overlap and familiarity with the City gained from one study benefits the others.  EIP assured staff that there will be no delays to the Residential Density and Design Study (which is a top priority issue for the City Council and staff) as a result of amending their contract to include these other areas of study.


EIP Associates is a recognized leader in developing policy for urban infill housing, mixed use and transit-oriented development projects.  They have expertise in the areas of land use planning, development scale and density, site design and architecture which is necessary to assure that development complements and contributes to a community�s unique character and lifestyle.


The EIP team has extensive experience in General Plan preparation and understands the necessity to assist the City in meeting the community�s housing needs and goals in ways that a will be acceptable to the residents.                  


EIP has the an excellent reputation as well as the skills and staff necessary to complete this project as well as extensive experience in working on similar projects.  Equally important, EIP is able to begin the project immediately and complete it within a time frame that will allow the study results to be incorporated into the update of the Land Use Element currently underway. There are economies of both time and cost to be realized by having EIP perform the tasks in the proposed contract amendment at the same time as the density and design study is being prepared.


EIP Associates will be working with Keyser Marston Associates to perform the necessary economic analysis of the proposed housing types, locations, and densities to make sure that what is proposed is economically feasible for Burbank.  Keyser Marston Associates has a long history of working with the City of Burbank and has a strong understanding of the City�s land values and redevelopment market based upon a series of projects recently completed for Burbank.


By working concurrently on all the housing types being studied, EIP Associates has the ability to complete this project within the condensed project schedule established by the City. 




The consultant�s fee for the attached scope of work is $117,403.  There are sufficient funds available in the Planning Division�s accounts to cover the cost of this project.  $40,000 is currently encumbered for use in the Land Use Element update and the remaining $77,403 will be taken from the Planning Survey and Design account that has $83,000 remaining in it.  No additional funds are requested.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the first amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with EIP Associates in the amount of $117,403 for the preparation of studies and recommendations regarding compact single family residential use, mixed use development and commercial and industrial floor area ratios.





Exhibit A                      Scope of Work

Exhibit B                      Budget

Exhibit C                      Work Schedule Timeline




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