Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 20, 2004Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff is requesting that City Council approve contract documents and award a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1154 � 2003/2004 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Street, Alley, Sidewalk, and Pedestrian Ramp Project.
In Fiscal Year 2003-2004, the City Council approved an appropriation of $803,969.30 in CDBG funds for the Public Works Department to construct streets, alleys, sidewalks, and pedestrian ramps.
The scope of work for this project consists of reconstruction of Olive Avenue from the First Street Bridge to Third Street, including approximately 3,700 square feet of sidewalk along Olive Avenue. The eight pedestrian ramps at intersections along First Street and San Fernando Boulevard will also be reconstructed to conform to the latest ADA standards. In addition, this project will reconstruct the alley west of Buena Vista Street from Burbank Boulevard to Jeffries Avenue (Exhibit A). The entire project will be done in regular concrete. All existing decorative concrete will be removed.
Bid Schedule No. 1154 was advertised for construction bids on January 28 and 31, 2004. A bid opening was held on March 23, 2004, and three contractors submitted bids ranging from $598,010.88 to $1,573,270.00 (Exhibit B).
Kalban, Inc. of Sun Valley, California, submitted the lowest bid of $598,010.88 which is 25.2 percent below the engineer�s estimate of $800,000.00. This project will be done at nearly the same time as the latest sidewalk project, which has been awarded to Kalban. The ease of transitioning to this project resulted in the cost savings. The unused balance of CDBG funds will be available for reallocation to CDBG projects next fiscal year. The carryover process is allowed under CDBG regulations. Kalban has previously performed work similar to the scope of work in this project for the City of Burbank with satisfactory results.
Construction of this project is planned to occur in May and June 2004. The work will be completed within 30 calendar days. Residents and businesses along Olive Avenue will be notified of the project by mail before the end of April. The notification will include the scope of the project, potential lane closures, and contact information should the resident or business have questions. One week before the start of construction, contractor will hand delivery notices of project to nearby businesses on Olive Ave. and San Fernando Blvd. Construction signs will also be placed, notifying pedestrians and drivers of construction and possible delays.
An environmental review categorized this project as exempt by Categorical Exemption under CEQA Section 15301(c).
The total amount for this project is $598,010.88. Sufficient funding is available with appropriated CDBG funds in Account Number 122.CD25A.63051.1041.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the contract documents and award a construction contract to Kalban, Inc. for Bid Schedule No. 1154 � 2003/2004 CDBG Street, Alley, Sidewalk, and Pedestrian Ramp Project.
Attachments: Exhibits A and B
Exhibit B
Bid Schedule No. 1154
2003-2004 CDBG Street, alley, sidewalk, and Pedestrian Ramp Project