Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Agenda Item - 8





DATE: April 13, 2004
TO: Mary Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Ron E. Davis, General Manager, BWP
SUBJECT: Neighbors Offering Emergency Love Program


To request endorsement of staff�s recommendation to use Public Benefits funds to supplement the Neighbors Offering Emergency Love Program (Project NOEL).



Project  NOEL has been in place since February 1999.  The Program was designed to assist customers who find themselves facing an unexpected financial emergency such as loss of a job, a family medical emergency, or a death in the family.  Project NOEL funds are issued one time only to a customer for a maximum of $100.  Project NOEL was not designed to provide on-going financial assistance, but rather to be a safety net for life�s unexpected situations. 


Over the years, customers and businesses have generously donated to Project NOEL allowing BWP to help over 300 customers.  Unfortunately, contributions to the Project have been dwindling and between November 2003 and February 2004 we only received $402 from community donations. 


Because community need still exists and donations have not kept pace with that need, the Project NOEL fund has been depleted.  To rectify the situation, staff proposes three remedies which, taken together, should get us back on track.  One, give qualified customers the level of assistance needed for the immediate period, up to the maximum of $100.  In the past, customers have been given the entire $100 whether their current need was at that level or not.  Two, aggressively and proactively market the NOEL Program throughout the year rather than just during the holiday season.  And, three, supplement the Program with a $5,000, one-time boost, from the Public Benefits budget.  Low income assistance is one of the qualifying Public Benefit expenses.



BWP has sufficient funds available in its current Pubic Benefits budget.  There will be no adverse impact on other programs. 



Endorse staff�s recommendation to supplement the Project NOEL fund with funds from the Public Benefits budget.






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