Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 13, 2004Agenda Item - 3 |
To approve an agreement with Pacific Bell Telephone Company dba SBC (SBC) to continue to provide inmate pay phone service for the Burbank jail.
The California Penal Code, Section 4025, allows the City to collect a percentage of income generated from collect calls made from inmate pay phones. Revenue generated from this service must be deposited into an inmate welfare fund, which can only be used for the benefit, education, and welfare of the inmates confined in the jail. The Burbank jail currently has 16 phones for which it receives revenues.
SBC has been a vendor for the Burbank jail since 1999 and the Police Department has been very satisfied with their service. After surveying other cities, staff has confirmed that SBC has superior service and the City should approve an updated agreement. This new agreement will be in effect for three years and provides for 31% of local calls and 38% of long distance calls to be returned to the City. In addition, the City will receive a one time signing bonus in the amount of $5,000 for entering into a multi-year agreement. The City Attorney has reviewed and approves of the agreement.
To date, the City of Burbank has received a total of $68,339 in inmate pay phone revenues. A portion of these funds have been used to purchase newspapers, toothbrushes, and other items that benefit the inmates. With the continuation of this agreement with SBC the Police Department estimates $17,000 in yearly revenue to help offset general fund costs for jail supplies.
It is recommended that the City Council approve an agreement with Pacific Bell Telephone Company dba SBC to continue to provide inmate pay telephone service for the Burbank jail.
THOMAS HOEFEL Chief of Police