Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 30, 2004Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff requests that the City Council extend the price agreement with CAM Services for three years. The Council is authorized to extend price agreements under Section 9-113 of the Burbank Charter.
The City uses contract services to provide daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and periodic maintenance at the Village Core, Downtown Burbank Station, Police/Fire Building, AMC parking structure, Municipal Services Building parking structure, Courthouse parking structure, and the Magnolia Park core. Since November 2000, these services have been provided by CAM Services. Some of the services provided include landscape maintenance, steam cleaning, sweeping, litter removal, touch up painting, and elevator cleaning. A detailed list of all services provided by geographic area is attached.
CAM is active in the City of Burbank seven days a week. They enjoy a positive relationship with the business community and have taken a proactive role in maintaining the areas they are contracted to serve.
In providing daily ongoing services to areas visited by thousands of people each day, it is important to provide services without calling attention to the activities or disrupting the vibrant business climate. CAM has integrated their operations into the daily fabric of life in the varied locations they serve with positive results over the past four years.
Burbank has used contractors to provide comprehensive maintenance services to critical public areas of the community for years. These services include daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and other varied time schedules. To successfully meet maintenance requirements, a contractor must provide consistent customer-oriented service that accounts for the needs of the public, the businesses in the service areas, and the City of Burbank. The contractor must be flexible and act quickly in response to complaints that need special services.
CAM has developed a comprehensive approach to meet the maintenance needs of the varied areas they service. Their overall program is captured on the attached spreadsheets, which provide a brief overview of how extensive and varied the work priorities are for these contract services. On occasion, CAM provides services outside their scope of work at no additional cost, which demonstrates their commitment to customer and client satisfaction.
Staff is pleased with the mutual working relationship the City has established with CAM. CAM has offered to keep their contract cost unchanged for the next three years if the City of Burbank approves an extension of their existing price agreement.
CAM is paid $647,000 annually to provide specified contract services. Staff has compared the services provided by CAM to using City staff and has determined that the City of Burbank cannot provide the level of service CAM provides for the $647,000 annually. CAM was the lowest responsible bidder during the original bid process in 2000 and has not increased its prices since.
The price agreement with CAM Services is for $647,000. If the extension is approved, this price will remain unchanged for the next three years.
Staff recommends the City Council authorize the extension of the price agreement for three years.