Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Agenda Item - 5






DATE: March 9, 2004
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Margarita Campos, City Clerk


The purpose of this report is for the Council to consider making an appointment to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee). Committee members serve without compensation but are reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.



On March 9, 1999, the Council authorized then Mayor Golonski to transmit letters to State Legislators expressing the City�s support of Senate Bill (SB) 333 which would provide for additional membership on the Advisory Committee. SB 333 was authored by Senator Schiff (and co-authored by Assembly Member Wildman) to allow the Councils of the cities of Burbank, Pasadena, La Canada-Flintridge, Malibu and Calabasas to appoint representatives to the Advisory Committee.  On July 26, 1999, Governor Davis signed SB 333 into law, approving and increasing the membership on the Advisory Committee from 17 to 23 members.


The Advisory Committee meets monthly and works closely with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Board. Advisory Committee members propose and review projects for Conservancy Board action, report on the conformity of projects with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Strategic Plan and Rim of the Valley Corridor Master Plan, and review proposed amendments.



At the December 14, 1999 meeting, the Park, Recreation and Community Services staff advised the Council that since SB 333 would become effective January 1, 2000, action was necessary to appoint a representative to the Advisory Committee. Staff noted that pursuant to guidelines from the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Board, the Council could:    1) select a Council Member; 2) assign qualified staff; or, 3) assign a qualified citizen or member of a City Board who demonstrates an awareness of environmental issues.  


The Council directed the City Clerk to advertise for applications from qualified Burbank citizens and further directed the Park, Recreation and Community Services Director or her designee to serve on the Advisory Committee until such time that an appointment was made. At the January 11, 2000 Council meeting, Mr. Terre Hirsch was appointed to a four-year term ending January 11, 2004. Following the term expiration, staff advertised for applications to fill the vacancy and the deadline to submit applications to the City Clerk�s Office was Friday, February 27, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. As of the deadline, one application from Mr. Garen Yegparian was received.



Staff recommends that the Council consider the application of Mr. Garen Yegparian to a four-year term on the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Committee expiring January 11, 2008. The City�s representative to the Advisory Committee serves at the will of the Council and as such, the Council can designate a term of office for the representative.


Respectfully submitted,



Margarita Campos

City Clerk


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