Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 2, 2004Agenda Item - 4 |
To request city Council approval of a proposed resolution that authorizes the City Manager to accept the Area C Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). The JPA allows the City of Burbank to enter into a JPA with Los Angeles County and other Area C cities. The purpose of the JPA is to promote the coordination of disaster management, planning and preparedness efforts with all Area C cities by cooperative planning, training, and related activities under the direction of a Disaster Management Area C Board (�Governing Board�).
A representative from the City of Burbank (usually the Disaster Services Coordinator) already participates and meets regularly with other Area C Emergency Service Coordinators at Disaster Management Area C meetings to discuss issues related to disaster preparedness. There has been no compensation for attending these meetings or budgetary support from Area C to conduct any substantial programs within the area. This association has been going on for at least fifteen years and has worked well, given the lack of funding. Thus, the concept of collaboratively working with other cities in the area of Disaster Management is well established.
For the past few years, the Disaster Area Management Area (DMAC) coordinator has been a County employee. While they have always been dedicated professionals, we should not assume that they are always representing the best interests of individual cities as that is not their job. In forming a JPA, the cities of Area C will determine a new coordinator who will be from one of the Area C cities. This form of more direct representation will be beneficial in many areas, including the area of State and Federal grants, in which we have been competing with the County for finite funds.
Until recently, there has been minimal incentive to establish a JPA. However, with the reallocation of federal EMPG funds, a monetary incentive is now present. Once a JPA is executed, the City of Burbank, as well as the other JPA signers, can receive compensation for the time of City staff spent attending these meetings. Lacking a JPA though, the money that would have been allocated to Area C cities has been held in �suspense� by L.A. County. That money has been accruing in an Area C designated account and now totals approximately $350,000.
Until two or more cities in Area C sign this JPA with the County, we risk being misrepresented, or not being represented at all, in critical decision-making discussions with the County. Furthermore, we risk losing access to the EMPG money. During this time of heightened awareness for disaster preparedness and available grant funding, it is advantageous for the City of Burbank to sign this JPA.
By signing the JPA and becoming a voting member of the Area C Disaster Management Area Board, the City of Burbank will have access to a portion of the EMPG funds, with no match requirement. Currently, the accrued money totals approximately $350,000. The anticipated annual EMPG will be approximately $45,000. As these funds originate from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) there is no guarantee that future funding will continue, but there is a long track record of over twenty years of funding under this program.
Staff recommends City Council adoption of a proposed resolution entitled: