Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 10, 2004Agenda Item - 9 |
PURPOSE To request City Council support of Burbank Water and Power�s proposed compact fluorescent light fundraising program for the Burbank Unified School District.
BACKGROUND For several years, BWP has run community programs using students from Burbank and John Burroughs high schools. These programs include the ultra low flush toilet exchanges and the popular torchiere exchange events. Using students to help run the events has proved to be efficient and cost-effective as well as a sound way for the City to help support school programs.
At a joint Burbank City Council and Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Board meeting in 2003, BWP staff was asked to investigate additional programs that can benefit Burbank schools. Working with BUSD staff, BWP has created a compact fluorescent light fundraising program that will benefit the community as well as our schools.
BWP has had many programs to introduce compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) into the community. CFLs have the advantage of using just one-fourth the energy of incandescent lights while producing the same amount of light output. CFLs burn considerably cooler which reduces the need for air conditioning in warmer months. Another plus for CFLs is that they last considerably longer than traditional light bulbs, up to 10,000 hours of use. While it�s true that CFLs are a better economic deal over their life compared to incandescent lights, CFLs unfortunately carry with them a higher up-front price tag. That price difference can make CFLs a difficult purchase choice for many consumers.
Over the years, BWP initiatives have attempted to make CFL purchases more palatable to our residents. BWP has sent every Burbank household a package containing two CFLs with information about CFL advantages, we have handed CFLs out for free at several community events, and have run a $3 off coupon for the purchase of CFLs from Burbank retailers. Staff�s current proposal is to run a CFL fundraiser in conjunction with Burbank�s school district.
PROPOSED PROGRAM Our proposition is quite simple. BWP will purchase and donate to the BUSD 9,000 compact fluorescent lights. BUSD schools participating in the program will sell these energy-efficient light bulbs to the community at a discount. BWP staff recommends that the BUSD sell CFLs for $3 or two for $5. All funds raised will go to the individual schools to support their specific programs and needs.
BWP staff worked with Claudene Bell, BUSD�s Teacher on Special Assignment for Service Leaning and Grants, to determine which schools are interested in participating and the number of CFLs each hoped to receive. Ms. Bell provided the following information:
Burbank School Requested CFLs Disney Elementary 500 Bret Harte Elementary 500 Jefferson Elementary 500 McKinley Elementary 500 Miller Elementary 1,500 Providencia Elementary 100 Washington Elementary 500 Luther Middle School 1,000 Jordan Middle School 1,000 Muir Middle School 2,000 John Burroughs High 200 Community Day School 500
TOTAL: 8,800
BWP will order an additional 200 CFLs for the BUSD to cover any damaged goods and for use as samples bringing the total recommended purchase to 9,000 compact fluorescent lights.
Once BWP had this information from the BUSD, staff issued a bid request for compact fluorescent lights on December 30, 2003. The bid request specified mini-sized Energy Star-labeled CFLs with wattage in the range of 20 to 30 watts. Staff also specified that the order be divided into separate orders as shown above and delivered directly to the school sites. Nine vendors issued price bids along with product samples. Niagara Conservation provided the most competitive bid with a 24-watt mini CFL priced at $2.40/unit. BWP recommends that we award the bid to Niagara Conservation.
Program Timing As soon as the proposed CFL fundraising program is approved by the City Council, BWP staff can immediately place an order with Niagara Conservation for the CFLs. Turnaround time to receive the lights is typically less than one month. Each of the 12 schools participating can run the fundraiser as soon as they receive the CFLs.
ANALYSIS The proposed CFL fundraising program is a win for all concerned. Our schools benefit as all proceeds raised stay with the schools for their use. Staff estimates that the total dollar benefit should be approximately $25,000 for the School District. The community benefits as high quality CFLs would be available at discounted prices. Use of CFLs will help residents contain their energy costs, saving households money every month for years to come. And the City�s utility benefits as our goal of helping residents and businesses conserve energy is furthered. Additionally, this project qualifies as a Public Benefits expenditure thereby reducing BWP�s Public Benefits obligation.
With the competitive bid received, the cost of the project is $21,600. While a separate line item for this project does not exist in the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Public Benefits budget there exists sufficient funding to cover this expense with no impact on other programs.
FISCAL IMPACT The Fiscal Year 2003-04 Public Benefits budget has sufficient funds to cover the proposed compact fluorescent light fundraising project outlined in this report.
RECOMMENDATION Staff requests City Council approval of BWP�s recommendation to purchase 9,000 24-watt mini Energy Star-rated compact fluorescent lights from Niagara Conservation.