Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 20, 2004Agenda Item - 8 |
The After Action Report is a summary of the events which took place during the brush fire in the Country Club Drive area beginning on October 21, 2003 at approximately 4 pm and ending on the 22nd at approximately 6 pm. The report�s main purpose is to highlight the strong points and identify the weak points in the operational planning, management and recovery of this incident.
A Power Point demonstration will be presented that will illustrate the planning, operations and recovery aspects of the incident. In addition, items such as cost recovery, state mutual aid and possible solutions to mitigation issues will also be covered.
Although this incident was potentially costly to the city, the timing of this fire coincided with several larger fires that were just beginning to occur throughout Southern California that qualified the city for both Federal and State reimbursement. The city should realize a significant cost savings (reimbursement) for those personnel assigned citywide in the actual suppression, management and recovery actions associated with this incident.
The Power Point presentation highlighted a number of recommendations for council approval. These range from updating our current wood shingle roof ordinance to increasing the set back for vegetation management from 100 feet to two hundred feet from any structure. It is the Fire Department�s desire to have the council adopt those measures it feels will best protect the community.
By: _____________________________ Norm Stockton, Assistant Fire Chief.