Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Agenda Item - 9



DATE: January 13, 2004

Mary J. Alvord, City Manager


Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

By Greg Herrmann, Asst. CDD�Transportation


City Council Representatives For Maglev Corridor Meeting



The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has proposed the development and implementation of a high-speed rail system for the region as means of reducing vehicle congestion and decentralizing air passenger demand.  One of the envisioned lines would connect Palmdale to Union Station, via Santa Clarita, San Fernando, Los Angeles, Burbank, and Glendale.  At a recent meeting, staff representatives of each of the corridor cites agreed to invite two Council Members to attend the next meeting and comment on the feasibility of conducting a joint study.  This report provides additional background information on the program and requests that the Council select two representatives to attend a late January or early February meeting.       


Maglev High-Speed Rail System


Initially envisioned in the 2001 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the Maglev system is an elevated monorail capable of moving people and goods at a high speed (averaging 80-100 mph) along 275 miles of rail corridors within the SCAG Region.  In December 2002, SCAG�s Regional Council approved the deployment of a 56-mile �initial operating segment� that would connect West Los Angeles/LAX via Downtown Union Station to Ontario Airport.  This initial segment and three additional ones that are planned to be operational by 2025 are estimated to cost $17 billion.  SCAG states that the feasibility studies conducted for the four corridors demonstrated that the system could be constructed and operated by a public-private partnership or non-profit entity, financed through tax-exempt bonds and Federal loans repaid through �project-generated revenues.�  This scenario would necessitate that the system operate without a subsidy, and that it ultimately generate a return sufficient to repay the borrowed construction and start-up costs. 


Palmdale Corridor 


The City of Palmdale has taken the lead in working with SCAG to form a consortium of Corridor cities that could undertake the next phase of pre-deployment studies for the Palmdale-Union Station line.  Each of the effected jurisdictions was invited to send their City Manager and key staff to a November meeting, hosted by Supervisor Antonovich�s office.  The meeting included a presentation on the magnetic levitation technology, and on the results of the studies that have been and are being conducted on other lines.  The representatives were asked for their general perceptions of the project and to comment upon the potential feasibility of forming a joint powers authority (JPA) to conduct further studies.  The consensus was that there were too many unknowns to agree to any further action at that time, and that Council Members would be invited to attend the next meeting to participate in the discussion.  


Next Meeting


Palmdale is currently working with SCAG�s Maglev Task Force and a consultant in preparing for the upcoming meeting.  While the specific date has not yet been selected, it is anticipated to occur in late January or early February.  Since several new participants will be attending that meeting, it will likely include an overview of the technology and results of the completed feasibility studies, as well as an update on work that is currently occurring on the other lines, new developments in the funding outlook, and a discussion of the work tasks that would be undertaken in this initial year, should the Corridor cities decide to proceed.  It is unlikely that a final decision to proceed would be made at the meeting; it is merely intended to gauge the extent of each city�s interest in investigating the potential for forming a JPA to complete short-term studies. 




Members of the Burbank Council question the value of the Maglev system, especially considering the very high estimated cost of the pre-deployment work and the speculative nature of the plan for privately funding the construction.  Staff agrees that given the current budgetary problems, it seems very unlikely that the necessary continuation of funding commitments could be sustained throughout the project development process.  However, it appears that there is sufficient support by SCAG and by at least some of the cities along the proposed Palmdale corridor for continuing the initial planning that SCAG has begun.  The City�s participation in the initial discussions of that potential work, and continued involvement if the decision is made to proceed, will ensure that Burbank�s concerns and views are considered.


Fiscal Impact


Attendance at this meeting would not incur any additional fiscal commitment beyond already budgeted staff time.




Staff requests that the Council select two representatives to attend the upcoming Palmdale-US Corridor meeting.  



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