Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Agenda Item - 8




DATE: January 13, 2004

Mary Alvord, City manager


Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

Art Bashmakian, Assistant CDD Dir. /City Planner

Roger Baker, Deputy City Planner


First Step Memo on Eliminating Provisions for Compact Car Parking Spaces

On October 28, 2003 the, City Council discussed compact car parking spaces and asked staff to provide a brief history of a zone text amendment that had been prepared by staff in response to a City Planning Board directive in 1999.  The City Council also asked that a copy of the report presented to the Council on December 12, 2000 be provided and a copy is attached as Exhibit A.




On August 9, 1999 the Planning Board directed staff to draft an ordinance for their consideration to eliminate compact car parking for all uses.  Staff surveyed 15 cities and prepared a draft zone text amendment (ZTA) for the Planning Board�s consideration.  The Planning Board conducted a public hearing on September 25, 2000 on ZTA No. 99-6 and voted to recommend approval of the ZTA to eliminate all provisions for compact parking spaces from the Burbank Municipal Code, and also voted to establish a minimum width of 9 feet for all full size parking spaces.


On December 12, 2000 the City Council considered ZTA No. 99-6 to eliminate compact car parking spaces for industrial, office, residential, and mixed uses in the City of Burbank (Exhibit A),   The City Council did not approve the zone text amendment and a copy of the minutes is attached (Exhibit B), but the City Council did direct staff to look into the feasibility of eliminating the existing Code provisions for compact car parking spaces for multiple family uses only.


An initial draft of a staff report was prepared for City Council consideration on June 26, 2001, that addressed the feasibility of eliminating the existing Municipal Code provisions for compact car parking spaces in new multiple family residential developments.  However, at some point the process stopped, with no evidence in the record as to why.




If the City Council wishes to reconsider a ZTA to modify or eliminate the existing Municipal Code provisions for compact car parking spaces, staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to prepare an amendment to modify the existing Code provisions for compact car parking spaces.



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