Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Agenda Item - 4




DATE: January 13, 2004

Mary. J. Alvord, City Manager


Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via Art Bashmakian, Assistant Community Development Director/City Planner

by Jeremy S. Ochsenbein, Senior Planner



Media Studios North



The purpose of this report is to request Council authorization for the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Christopher A. Joseph and Associates to prepare a subsequent environmental impact report for a proposed amendment to Planned Development No. 89-7 (�Media Studios North�).



On March 28, 2001, M. David Paul Development, LLC submitted a request to amend Planned Development No. 89-7, commonly known as the Media Studios North project. The amendment was placed on hold at the request of the applicant until September 23, 2003, at which time staff continued processing the request. The project is located along Empire Avenue between Ontario Street and Avon Street and is currently entitled for 650,000 square feet of office space. The current request would increase the entitlement by 275,000 square feet to a total of 925,000 square feet. An environmental impact report (EIR) was prepared for the original project approval in 1991 and a mitigated negative declaration was prepared for the First Amendment to the Planned Development in 1997.


After an initial review of the project, staff has determined that a Subsequent EIR will be required and that consultants will be necessary to perform the required Subsequent EIR. A Request for Proposals to prepare the Subsequent EIR was sent to six (6) qualified consulting firms, two (2) of whom responded. Based upon the proposals submitted, staff determined that Christopher A. Joseph and Associates was the best candidate based upon the quality, cost, and work schedule anticipated in their proposal.


The report will be prepared in accordance with State Guidelines and accepted practices of the City of Burbank with regard to obtaining public input on the project and responding to comments. Specifically, a public comment meeting before the Planning Board and two public hearings are planned for the project.



No costs will be incurred by the City by entering into a PSA with Christopher A. Joseph and Associates. The applicant will be required to deposit $86,356 to the City before the PSA is signed by the City Manager.  The City of Burbank�s fee resolution requires that applicants pay the cost of the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report plus 10% (PSA amount of $78,505 plus 10% is $86,356).  If costs are at any time to exceed these amounts, the applicant will again be required to pay the full amount to the City (plus 10%) before work will continue on the environmental analysis.



Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Christopher A. Joseph and Associates to prepare a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the proposed amendment to Planned Development No. 89-7.



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