Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Agenda Item - 3



DATE: January 13, 2004

Mary J. Alvord, City Manager


Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

By Greg Herrmann, Asst. CDD�Transportation




The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has released the Draft 2004 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for public comment.  At the December 16, 2003 meeting, the Council selected two Members to meet with staff on possible revisions to a draft City comment letter.  Staff has modified the letter in accordance with the direction received, and is submitting the revised letter for Council�s review and authorization to submit it to SCAG prior to the January 16, 2004 deadline.


Draft 2004 Regional Transportation Plan

As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the six county Region, SCAG is required to update the RTP every three years to provide a transportation plan for at least 20 years into the future.  The RTP must:  (1) reflect the most recent assumptions for population, travel, land use, congestion, vehicle fleet mix, travel speeds, employment and economic activity; (2) be fiscally constrained and revenue assumptions must be available in that they can be expected to be available during the time frame of the plan; and (3) conform to the applicable State Implementation Plans for air quality.


The complete Draft Plan is available for public review at the SCAG website:


City Comment Letter

As directed by Council at the December 16, 2003 meeting, staff has subsequently discussed possible revisions and additions to the draft comment letter with Mayor Murphy and Council Member Campbell.  Staff believes that the attached revised City comment letter responds to their direction. 


The Council also expressed an interest in discussing with Glendale City Council Member Yousefian, who represents both cities at SCAG, how he may be able to express the Council�s concern with the Airport passenger projections, and other issues.  Staff is available to facilitate that discussion if so directed.



Staff recommends that the Council authorize the attached letter to be submitted to SCAG as the City�s comment letter on the Draft 2004 Regional Transportation Plan.       



Proposed City Comment Letter



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