Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Agenda Item - 10

Text Box:                                                                                                                                                       City of Burbank
                                                                                                                                 Park, Recreation and
                                                                                                             Community Services Department





DATE: January 6, 2004

Mary J. Alvord, City Manager


Eric A. Hansen, Interim Director

Garth W. Nelson, Deputy Director Recreation Services

Gwen Indermill, Recreation Services Manager

SUBJECT: Perform Arts Grant Summary



In 1993, the City of Burbank developed and implemented the Perform Arts Grant Program.  The mission of the grant program is to �actively foster, develop and assist with funding for the performing arts in Burbank and to encourage arts participation and experiences by and for all members of the public.�  A competitive review process was developed to award financial assistance to local non-profit arts organizations.  Awards are for partial support of general expenses for performing art programs and projects.


In 1994, (the first year of the new grant process) Perform Arts grantees were awarded a total of $31,500 to assist with general operating support and artistic development.  A 1:1 matching fund ratio provided financial support to six organizations. Since its establishment in 1994, the number of annual grantees has increased from 6 to 14.  Concurrently, the level of grant funding has also increased from $31,500 to $77,050, as indicated in the chart below and in greater detail in Attachment A.  













For the past ten years, 17 community-based performing arts organizations have participated in the Perform Arts Grant program to secure assistance with their general operating expenses or designated project costs.  Currently in the 2003 funding cycle, a total of 14 organizations are receiving grant awards.  These awards represent between 3% - 18% of total operating costs for Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) based organizations and 1% - 33% of total operating costs for �at large� community based performing arts organizations  (Attachment B).


In January 2003, the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board (PR&CS Board) approved $77,050 in grant awards for the 2003 funding cycle (Attachment C).  In spring of 2003, staff identified the Perform Art Grant program as a potential budget reduction to meet the PR&CS Department budget reduction goal of $1.3 million.  This reduction consideration was one of many presented to City Council for their review.  Since the Perform Arts Grant funding cycle falls over two fiscal years, staff recommended that City Council fund an appropriation of $39,073 to ensure that the 2003 funding cycle would be completed.  After much deliberation, City Council approved staff�s recommendation.  It should be noted that this action did not provide for funds to implement the Perform Arts Grant program for 2004.  Additionally, City Council also requested that staff return to City Council during the Mid-Year Budget process with an update regarding the Perform Arts Grant program.


In fall of 2003, staff conducted a series of three meetings with the current Perform Arts Grant organizations to discuss the status of this year�s grant, and the future of the Perform Arts Grant.  Following the first general information and discussion meeting, held on October 2, 2003, several of the performing arts organizations, with staff�s assistance, created a subcommittee to examine the landscape for future cultural arts funding at the Federal, State, and Local levels.  In addition, alternative roles that the City might play to assist the performing arts community in lieu of direct funding were examined.  The subcommittee wanted to consider alternate ways that performing arts organizations might better assist and support themselves. 


Representatives from the following organizations attended the first Perform Arts subcommittee meeting held on October 21, 2003: 

  • Burbank High School Vocal Music Association

  • Black Knights Drum Corps, Burbank Chorale

  • Burbank Philharmonic Orchestra

  • John Burroughs High School Vocal Music Association

  • Media City Ballet

  • Victory Theatre

Representatives from the following organizations attended the second Perform Arts subcommittee meeting held on October 28, 2003: 

  • Black Knights Drum Corps

  • Burbank Chorale

  • Media City Ballet

  • Victory Theatre

One of the subcommittee goals was to provide the PR&CS Board and City Council with a framework of ideas and opportunities to assist with the future support and promotion of the performing arts community.  The following is a brief summary of their recommendations.

  • The subcommittee supported a strategy to develop an �Association� or �Alliance,� independent of the City of Burbank.  The purpose of this Association would be to create an independent body that would function without City grant funding while continuing to promote performing arts in Burbank.  They also discussed opportunities how the Association structure could collaborate, share marketing resources, and build fundraising campaigns in the community.

  • The subcommittee also identified the possible creation and host of a web-site initially featuring 2003 Perform Arts Grant recipients, organizational information, and calendars as well as links to their respective web-sites.

  • The subcommittee recommended the creation of a Burbank Performing Arts Association Discount Card.  The sale of this card would provide financial assistance to each of the organizations and would provide the buyer with discounted or free admissions.

  • The subcommittee suggested that the Association could provide a vehicle for cross-marketing between all participating organizations.

The subcommittee identified that the City could support the Association in the following ways:

  • The subcommittee identified the future roles of the City as a facilitator, a promoter, and an in kind service supporter for the Association as well as individual organizations.

  • The subcommittee requested that the City provide each 2003 Perform Arts Grant recipient a letter of support to use when submitting requests for foundation grants and other funding opportunities.

  • The subcommittee requested that the City facilitate educational workshops/seminars to assist our local performing arts organizations to better organize, manage, and fundraise for their organizations.

  • The subcommittee identified the creation of an annual Burbank Performing Arts Festival co-sponsored by the Association and the City to promote and showcase Burbank based performing arts organizations.

  • These recommendations were communicated to the PR&CS Board at the November 13, 2003 meeting.

In summary, the Perform Arts Grant subcommittee was optimistic about the possibilities for the creation of an independent Association.  Representatives of the subcommittee were in attendance at the November 13,2003 PR&CS Board meeting, presented their ideas, and were available to respond to questions by the PR&CS Board. 



The PR&CS Board discussed the financial status of the Perform Arts Grant Program (Attachment D).    During the course of the discussion, several items were suggested to provide potential funding mechanisms to promote the performing arts in Burbank. 

  • The PR&CS Board discussed options such as downsizing the grant allocation and limiting financial assistance for groups, using new funding to support emerging projects or start-up costs associated with the formation of the new performing arts alliance. 

  • Revenue generating programs were reviewed such as a potential tax or assessment. For instance, a nominal gate tax levied for entertainment admission into venues such as theaters and movies. 

  • The PR&CS Board also discussed the potential of having business license applicants voluntarily donate monies to support Burbank performing arts programs. 

  • The PR&CS Board suggested an annual awards luncheon be organized to serve as a fundraising and promotion mechanism for performing arts. 

  • Additionally, they discussed a possible nexus between the Perform Arts Grant and the Burbank Fine Arts Federation or Public Art Fund to support promotion of performing arts in the community.  

As follow-up, the Fine Arts Federation was contacted regarding the PR&CS Board discussion.  The Fine Arts Federation sympathized with the needs of these groups, however their mission statement focuses support on the visual arts and they are not in a position to expand their support to include the performing arts.   The Public Art Fund supports publicly funded visual art projects.  As designated by City Ordinance, this program is specific to public art installations.  The PR&CS Board praised the proactive work of the Perform Arts subcommittee and expressed a desire to become involved with the fundraising and promotion programs of the group.


Following this discussion, the PR&CS Board requested to convey its appreciation to the City Council for its ten-year commitment to the Perform Arts Grant Program (Attachment E).  The PR&CS Board also requested to present the following recommendations for City Council consideration when it reviews the Perform Arts Grant Program in January, 2004.


  1. Encourage that strong consideration be given to reinstate some level of funding for the Perform Arts Grant for the 04/05 funding cycle.

  2. Development of a funding plan on a short term and long range basis, including identifying financial support alternatives for the Perform Arts Grant.

  3. Request Staff to facilitate and encourage the development efforts of the newly formed Burbank Performing Arts Association.


Fiscal Impact


The 2003 Perform Arts Grant awards were approved at the February 13, 2003 PR&CS Board Meeting.  A total of fourteen organizations were awarded funding.  As depicted in Attachment C, 7 Burbank Unified School programs and 7 community groups were awarded a combined total of $77,050.  To date, a total of $48,925 has been paid and the remaining $28,125 is scheduled to be expended by January 31, 2004.


At the conclusion of the 2003 Perform Arts Grant funding cycle it is anticipated that $1,096 will remain.  The remaining funds could be used for start-up expenditures related to the establishment of a performing arts association, of to provide educational workshops to assist organizations, and/or to facilitate a performing arts festival to showcase Burbank based performing arts organizations.




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