City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Monday, September 20, 2004

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date as a joint meeting with the Board of Education, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, at 6:00 p.m. by Mr. Kemp, Board of Education President.





Council Members Campbell, Murphy, Ramos and Vander Borght.

Board Members Bunch, Burnett , Kemp, Krekorian and Lackey.

Absent - - - -

Council Member Golonski.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; Mrs. Campos, City Clerk; Dr. Bowman, Superintendent; and, Ms. Burton, Superintendent�s Office Assistant.





Mr. Kemp called for speakers for oral communications.






Ms. Alvord, City Manager, announced that members of the Burbank Noon Kiwanis Club had a presentation to make and requested that Ms. Stein, Deputy Director, Park, Recreation and Community Services/Recreation Services, introduce the members. Ms. Stein stated that the Kiwanis Club members desired to recognize the Council and Board of Education (Board) for implementing the PeaceColors Program and for promoting the continuance of the program by making a contribution to the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD). She noted that the purpose of the program is to promote activities that prevent violence and to introduce students to anti-bullying techniques and strategies for anger management.


Bob Penrod, Past President of the Kiwanis Club, addressed the Council and Board in support of the PeaceColors Program. He announced that the Kiwanis Club had become aware of the benefits of such a program and held a fundraiser to contribute to its continuance. He presented the BUSD with a check in the amount of $15,000 on behalf of the Kiwanis Club. Mayor Ramos expressed appreciation to the Kiwanis Club for their donation and presented a Certificate of Recognition to the Club on behalf of the City of Burbank. Mr. Kemp also commended the Kiwanis Club for their generosity and support of the program and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation from the BUSD.




Joint Ventures


Mr. Flad, Assistant City Manager, provided information on changes to the Joint Ventures Matrix format and introduced staff to address specific items.



Pilot Vendor Agreements for Repairs




Mr. Herman, Purchasing Manager, City of Burbank, reported that the joint use agreement is still in the process of being developed. 


Mr. Bradley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, BUSD, reported on the progress of the joint agency for repairs of elevators and noted that this item had been expanded to include the cities of Pasadena and Glendale, as well as the school districts in those areas in an effort to obtain buying power with the combined agencies.  He reported that a list of combined supplies is being developed to look at commonalities and that shopping contracts throughout all of Southern California are being reviewed. 


Mr. Vander Borght thanked Mr. Herman and Mr. Bradley for their work on the project. 


Mr. Kemp inquired as to the possibility of including all other items that need to be purchased and Mr. Herman explained the importance of using agencies within close proximity as a tool for increased buying power, making it more efficient for the supplier. 


Mr. Bradley added that the repair and maintenance of elevators would be a template and if it works well, other areas will be explored. 



Technology Services and Wide-Area Networks

Mrs. Sarquiz, Management Services Director, City of Burbank, reported on technology services and wide-area networks, noting that the City is working on a lease for a color copier so that color projects can be done in-house. She noted that a contract would be presented to the BUSD for joint use of the equipment through a web-based program. She also reported on the possibility of establishing a Regional Occupation Program for students to learn the printing process and how to use print shop equipment. 



Solar Heating of

BUSD Pools

Mrs. Meyer, Marketing Manager, Burbank Water and Power (BWP), provided an update on energy conservation issues and noted that since the BUSD had adopted the California High Performance Schools (CHPS) program, that item was closed. She reviewed the re-negotiated Electrical Services Agreement and pointed out that the Agreement provides for a 10 percent premium waiver over the next two fiscal years and allows the BUSD to earn up to a 20 percent discount if solar water heating is installed in the pools at John Burroughs and Burbank High Schools.  Additionally, she noted that BWP will pay 25 percent of the solar water heating costs; therefore, the BUSD will receive a rebate of up to $95,000. She also reported on the recommendation by BWP to establish a Resource Conservation Manager position to develop ways in which the BUSD can save money and have greater efficiencies. She noted that BWP will pay up to $160,000 per year for five years for this position. She also reported that the solar heating systems for John Burroughs and Burbank High Schools are installed and should be in operation in the next two weeks. She also reported that the fluorescent light program is in place and that fluorescent lights are now being sold by all schools.


Mr. Krekorian commented on the benefits for both the City and the BUSD and thanked BUSD and City staff for their efforts.


In reference to the CHPS program, Mrs. Burnett pointed out that Dr. Kiafar had been asked by CHPS to serve on their Board and has accepted the appointment on behalf of the BUSD.


Mr. Campbell thanked the Board for their leadership on this issue. 



Burbank Priority

In Education

Mayor Ramos provided a brief history of Burbank Priority in Education (BPIE) and introduced Michael Hastings, President of the organization, who commented on the fundraising programs in which the organization has been involved.  He highlighted the upcoming concert at the Starlight Bowl on October 2, 2004 and provided information on the entertainers for the event. He thanked the committee members for their efforts in organizing the concert as well as the vendors and companies who donated items or services at no cost.  He urged the community to support the event and showed a promotional video that is currently being aired on Channel 6.



Memorial Field


Dr. Bowman briefly reported on the recommendation that Memorial Field at John Burroughs High School and the football field and track at Burbank High School be upgraded and renovated, and noted that direction is needed on steps that should be taken. He pointed out that there are still four school modernization projects to be completed at Luther Middle, Monterey High, McKinley Elementary and Providencia Elementary Schools and that upon completion of those projects, any funds left will be prioritized for additional projects, based on input from staff and school sites.


Ms. Murphy suggested that the Memorial Field committee be reconvened to define the areas that are in need of repair. 


Following a discussion, it was the consensus of the Council and Board that the Memorial Field project be considered a priority since it is widely used by the community and because safety has become an issue.


Dr. Bowman and Ms. Alvord agreed to work together to establish a structured group to determine the needs at the Burbank High School stadium and football field/track.   





There was a discussion concerning future meetings of the Council and Board and whether the Joint Action Group (JAG) could meet in place of the full Council and Board. It was agreed upon that the disadvantage of JAG meetings is that the entire group is not able to participate in discussions; therefore, all future meetings should consist of two meetings per year of the full Council and Board, and if necessary, an extra meeting could be added.  




There being no further business to come before the Council and Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.




                                         Margarita Campos, City Clerk   








            Mayor of the Council

           of the City of Burbank





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