Present- |
Council Members Golonski, Murphy, and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members Campbell and Vander Borght. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Wilson,
Deputy City Clerk.
Communications |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications on
Closed Session matters at this time.
4:10 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time to the City Hall Basement Lunch
Room/Conference Room to hold a Closed Session on the following:
a. Conference with Labor Negotiator:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957.6
Name of the Agency Negotiator: Management Services Director/Judie
Name of Organization Representing Employee:
Represented: Burbank City Employees Association, Burbank Management
Association, Burbank Firefighters Chief Officers Unit, and Burbank Police
Officers Association; Unrepresented, and Appointed Officials.
Summary of Labor Issues to be Negotiated:
Current Contracts and Retirement Issues.
b. Conference with Legal Counsel � Anticipated Litigation (City as
possible plaintiff):
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(c)
Number of potential case(s): 1
c. Conference with Legal Counsel � Anticipated Litigation (City as
potential defendant):
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(b)(1)
Number of potential case(s): 1
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened
at 6:43 p.m. by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.
The invocation was given by Mr. Kramer, Community Assistance Coordinator. |
Flag Salute
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mr. Flad, Assistant City
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Vander Borght and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
West Nile Virus
Presentation |
Stephanie Miladin,
representing the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District, and
Dr. Oiulfstad, representing the Los Angeles County Department of Health
Services, made a presentation on the West Nile Virus epidemic and
discussed the efforts being undertaken to control mosquito breeding. They
also outlined several preventive measures that could be taken.
Reporting on
Council Liaison
Mr. Vander Borght
commended the Chandler Bikeway improvements and reported on the
Environmental Oversight Committee meeting he attended with Mr. Campbell.
He also reported on the Debell Clubhouse Subcommittee meeting he attended
with Mrs. Ramos.
Mr. Campbell
reported on a meeting with Mr. Marrero, Airport Authority Executive
Director, and Airport Commissioner Streator, regarding the purchase of
diesel buses by the Airport.
Reporting on
Closed Session |
Mr. Barlow reported on the items considered by the City Council during the
Closed Session meeting.
Initial Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the initial open public comment period
of oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
C.L. Stack, on
renaming Bob Hope Airport; Anja B. Rohlmann, stating that fence heights
should be relative to the sizes of homes; Ralph Gee, complimenting the
City on the purchase of quieter refuse trucks and requesting that the
volume of the microphones in the Council Chamber be raised; Carolyn
Berlin, on the growing membership of the Burbank_Voters_and_Tax_Payers
group and stating that several citizens are intimidated by speaking before
the Council; Rose Prouser, on the sale of the B-6 property; Mark Stebbeds,
requesting that the proposed Airport Development Agreement be placed on
the ballot; Wayne Jackson, on the proposed Airport Development Agreement;
Howard Rothenbach, on the enforcement of the Real Estate Sign Ordinance
and on the cost of the AMC parking project; Michael Hastings, Chair of
Burbank Priority in Education Foundation, announcing an upcoming
fundraising concert; Mark Barton, on the downtown wayfinding signage
program; Ron Vanderford, on the inception of the Chandler Bikeway and in
opposition to the proposed Airport Development Agreement; Dink O�Neal, on
tenant and traffic issues in Downtown Burbank; Michael Bergfeld, stating
that the City�s counsel on Airport matters is not licensed to practice law
in the State of California; Eden Rosen, on noise City-wide and on debris
in an empty lot on Victory Boulevard; and, Theresa Karam, on a condominium
development in North Hollywood.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Agenda Item
Oral Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the agenda item oral communications at
this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
C.L. Stack, noting
Bob Hope Airport is owned by the cities of Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena;
Carolyn Berlin, on the Airport�s Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative
Declaration; Phil Berlin, on the importance of a curfew at Bob Hope
Airport, the Airport Trust documents and requesting that the proposed
Airport Development Agreement be placed on the ballot; Mark Barton, on the
proposed Airport Development Agreement and on fence criteria; Anja
Rohlmann, inquiring as to the effect of the Council�s decisions on
residents who currently have fences on their property; Mark Stebbeds, on
the Airport�s Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration; Rose
Prouser, noting the difference in interests between the City and the
Airport Authority; Michael Bergfeld, on the law pertaining to the practice
of law in the State of California; Ron Vanderford, on flaws in the
Framework For Settlement and the subsequent legal documents, and in
opposition to the proposed Airport Development Agreement; Donna Stebbeds,
requesting an full Environmental Impact Report on the proposed Airport
Development Agreement; Margie Gee, on the lateness of the availability of
the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration document and
requesting additional time for review and comment; David Piroli, inquiring
as to the availability of the proposed Airport Development Agreement and
commenting on the Notice of Default and acquisition of property by the
Airport Authority; Theresa Karam, on Airport issues and the Notice of
Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration; Dink O�Neal, on the criteria for
the proposed Airport Development Agreement and sale of the B-6 property;
Howard Rothenbach, on the appraised value of the A-1 North property and
Measure B criteria; and, Mike Nolan, inquiring as to the duties of the
Trustee and requesting that the B-6 property be sold.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Motion |
It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Ms. Murphy that "the
following items on the consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Approved |
The minutes for the adjourned meeting of July 21, 2004 and the regular
meeting of July 27, 2004 were approved as submitted.
Abolishing Certain
Job Titles and
Spec. |
Adopted |
The consent calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Murphy,
Vander Borght and Ramos.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
9:19 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time. The meeting reconvened at 9:33 with
all members present.
Dev. Agmt.
Between the
Airport Authority
And City |
Mr. Kirsch, Special
Airport Counsel, presented an update on the Draft Initial Study of the
proposed Development Agreement between the City and Airport Authority. He
explained that the Initial Study was conducted pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines which require that the study
and public review period be completed prior to the Authority submitting
the Development Agreement proposal to the City. He noted that the
Authority is anticipating completing the CEQA process and submitting the
application by early October 2004, and reiterated that the City has not
yet reached any agreements with the Authority. He also emphasized that
there is currently no Draft Development Agreement available for public
Mr. Kirsch further
explained that an initial study is required by CEQA to determine whether
it is necessary to prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report.
He added that if an initial study finds that there are no significant
impacts from a proposed project, a Negative Declaration is issued. He
also stated that under CEQA, the Authority is the lead agency, responsible
for preparing the document and hiring consultants. He added that the City
is the responsible agency which reviews and comments on the document. He
also emphasized the importance of public input and participation.
Mr. Kirsch outlined
the projects proposed by the Authority as part of the Development
Agreement, including: purchasing the A-1 North property and reconfiguring
the parking to valet and self parking facilities; possible construction of
two parking structures for valet and rental cars; relocating the rental
car facilities from the terminal to a new location at the corner of Empire
Avenue and Hollywood Way; realigning the Airport Loop Road; relocating Lot
A onto the adjacent property; completion of Taxiway D construction to the
entire length of Runway 8/26; and, consolidating all employee parking to a
location north of the Air Traffic Control Tower alongside Runway 15/33.
He then discussed in detail the proposed parking reallocation program and
other components of the proposal, including: revising the City�s height
ordinance; revising the City�s sound insulation ordinance; realignment of
the Hollywood Way/Thornton Avenue/Airport intersection; vesting of the
Authority�s existing zoning rights; a commitment by the Authority to work
cooperatively with the City to achieve nighttime noise relief; and,
prohibition on certain projects that the Authority would otherwise be
allowed to build under current zoning or entitlements. He explained that
such projects include: no new or relocated passenger terminal; no
expansion of the existing terminal unless required by the Transportation
Security Administration; no additional air carrier aircraft parking
positions; no new remote air carrier aircraft parking positions; no
increase in the general aviation area; and, no new buildings within the
building restriction line adjacent to the runways except in the quadrant
outside the terminal where the existing parking structure is located. He
also discussed the timeline of subsequent steps prior to an Authority
public hearing on the Negative Declaration on
October 4, 2004.
Dan Wormhoudt, Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer, Environmental Science Associates,
discussed the environmental impacts studied in the Initial Study as well
as the findings.
Following Council
deliberation, the report was noted and filed.
Residential Fence Requirements |
Mrs. Forbes,
Principal Planner, Community Development Department, discussed the City�s
current situation relative to fence and hedge Burbank Municipal Code
(Code) violations and related issues such as aesthetics, safety, height
measurement, enforcement and fence material. With the aid of a PowerPoint
presentation, she illustrated the different types of fences and noted that
the Code currently allows a 3-foot fence or hedge height limit for front
and street side yard setbacks. She also noted that the Code requires a
25-foot front yard setback and a 10-foot street side yard setback. She
explained that the City does not proactively enforce the fence Code but
responds on a complaint basis. She noted that property owners who chose
to maintain the over-height fence apply for a variance; however, the
findings for a variance are very difficult to make. She requested Council
direction on: whether the fence Code criteria should be amended; the Code
enforcement efforts to pursue and to possibly establish an amnesty program
allowing for grandfathering-in existing non-conforming fences; the process
for developing a new fence Code; and, conducting a community outreach
program on the matter.
Staff was directed
to review the front yard height limits, provide more flexibility in the
street side yard setbacks and height limits, and establish a height limit
for granting amnesty to existing non-conforming fences. The Council also
expressed opposition to chain link and barbed wire fences in residential
areas and indicated a desire to revert to the 1967 fence height
measurement from the sidewalk line or six inches above the street level as
opposed to grade level. Finally, staff was directed to present the matter
to the Planning Board and conduct a public outreach program.
Final Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the final open public comment period of
oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Margie Gee,
commending the Council for their opposition to the net growth in parking
spaces as indicated in the Initial Study and requesting that the
Development Agreement include a cap on the number of flights; Don Elsmore,
encouraging the Council to provide written protests to specific issues
pertaining to the Negative Declaration within the legal deadline to
protect the City�s legal rights; Kevin Muldoon, requesting that the
proposed fast-food facilities on a portion of the A-1 North property be
considered in the Initial Study; and, Mike Nolan, noting that the Notice
of Default was marked �for accommodation only� by the Los Angeles County
Registrar/Recorder and urging the Council to force the sale of the B-6
property as per the Trust Agreement.
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 11:54 p.m.
Margarita Campos, City