City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Thursday, May 27, 2004

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date.  The meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.



Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy (arrived at 7:19 p.m.), Vander Borght and Ramos.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications.



Fiscal Year (FY) 2004-05 Budget Study Session





Police Chief Hoefel presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the Police Department


Discussion ensued with regard to freezing Police Officer and Police Cadet positions; elimination of the Kennel Attendant position; and, reviewing street sweeping parking citation fees.



Burbank Water

And Power

Mr. Davis, General Manager, Burbank Water and Power, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for Burbank Water and Power.



City Council


Ms. Dolan, Administrative Analyst II, City Manager�s Office, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the City Council Office.



City Manager�s


Ms. Dolan, Administrative Analyst II, City Manager�s Office and Mr. McManus, Public Information Officer, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the City Manager�s Office and Public Information Office, respectively.


Staff was directed to explore the feasibility of broadcasting Council meetings on the Internet and provide a report to the Council.




Services Dept.

Mr. Hanway, Financial Services Director, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the Financial Services Department.




Mr. Hanway then summarized the status of the proposed FY 2004-05 recurring budget deficit and revenues that will be lost due to the Governor�s May Revision. He recommended the following options for balancing the budget; increasing the Transient Parking Tax (TPT) from 10 to 12 percent and utilizing the difference in the electric rate reductions in the Burbank Water and Power (BWP) Utility Users Tax (UUT) In-Lieu Set-Aside Account. He added that staff recommended balancing the non recurring deficit as follows: utilizing the recurring surplus; deferring the reserves appropriations until FY 2003-04 has been closed; and, use of available resources such as the Budget Stabilization Fund, Public Employees Retirement System Stabilization Fund and the BWP UUT/In-Lieu Set-Aside Account.


Mr. Hanway informed the Council that the $50,000 for the Burbank Boulevard improvements will be provided by the Redevelopment Agency. He requested that the Council discuss the matter and provide direction as desired for the June 8, 2004 public hearing.





Following Council deliberation, staff was directed to utilize the BWP UUT In-Lieu Set-Aside Account to close the City�s FY 2004-05 recurring budget gap. The Council was also in favor of combining the BWP UUT In-Lieu Set-Aside Account and Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund. In addition, staff was directed to: defer the funding of reserves to the close of FY 2003-04; consider increasing the TPT rate from 10 percent to 12 percent; and, fund additional positions within the Police Department. 




There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.


                                        Margarita Campos, City Clerk   





    Mayor of the Council

   of the City of Burbank


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