Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Vander Borght and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Communications |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications on
Closed Session matters at this time.
4:38 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time to the City Hall Basement Lunch
Room/Conference Room to hold a Closed Session on the following:
a. Conference with Labor Negotiator:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957.6
Name of the Agency Negotiator: Management Services Director/Judie
Name of Organization Representing Employee:
Represented: Burbank City Employees Association, Burbank Management
Association, Burbank Firefighters Chief Officers Unit, and Burbank Police
Officers Association; Unrepresented, and Appointed Officials.
Summary of Labor Issues to be Negotiated:
Current Contracts and Retirement Issues.
b. Conference with Legal Counsel � Existing Litigation:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(a)
Name of Case: City of Burbank v. Bonneville Power Administration.
Case No.:
Energy Contract Board of Appeals No. C-0303364
Brief description and nature of case:
Contract dispute regarding the price of electricity purchased by the City.
c. Threat to Public Services or Facilities:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957
Consultation with Burbank Police Department: Captain Bowers.
d. Conference with Legal Counsel � Existing Litigation:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(a)
Name of Case: The California Refund Proceeding
Case No.:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission No. EL00-95-000
Brief description and nature of case:
Alleged refunds due from various power generators and marketers.
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened
at 6:56 p.m. by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.
The invocation was given by Pastor Paul Clairville, Westminster
Presbyterian Church.
Flag Salute
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mr. Bratton, Park,
Recreation and Community Services Director.
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Vander Borght and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Treeline USA |
Mayor Ramos
announced that Burbank Water and Power (BWP) has been named a Treeline USA
Utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation, a prestigious designation
awarded to utility companies in the United States who have demonstrated
commitment to public education, tree planting and quality tree care. The
plaque was accepted by Mrs. Meyer, BWP Marketing Manager, and Mr. Herron,
Electrical Distribution Superintendent.
Burbank High
School Choir |
Samantha Schwartz
and Harrison Lippman, representing the Burbank High School Vocal Music
Association, presented tickets to their upcoming Pop Show concert to the
Mayor and Members of the Council.
John Burroughs
High School Choir |
Mayor Ramos
presented a Certificate of Recognition to the John Burroughs High School
advanced women�s show choir, Sound Sensation, commemorating their First
Place Award at the Show Stoppers National Invitational held in Chicago,
Illinois. The choir performed a song for the audience.
Senior Volunteers |
Forrest Barker,
Chair of the Selection Committee for the Burbank Older American Volunteer
Service Awards, introduced the 2004 winners, as follows: Virginia Abrams,
for assisting families and friends in the surgery room at Providence Saint
Joseph Medical Center; Marie Dryer and Maggie Hall for participating in
the mother-daughter team of the knitting, crocheting and sewing volunteers
group; Patricia Jones, for her service with the Braille group and
telephone reassurance call program at the Joslyn Adult Center; Samuel
Engel, Sr., for his service on the Kiwanis Club of Burbank, Meals on
Wheels Program and Boy Scouts of America, among others; Barbara McLay, who
was not present due to hospitalization, for working with children in the
deaf and hard of hearing program; Gloria O�Donohoe, for her service to the
Burbank Friends of the Public Library; and, Agnes �Boots� Townsend,
recipient of the Los Angeles County Outstanding Older American Award for
service at the Burbank Temporary Aid Center. Mayor Ramos commended the
award recipients and presented each of them with a Mayor�s Commendation
for their exemplary volunteer service.
Comments |
Mayor Ramos made
remarks on a disturbance caused during the
May 4, 2004
Council meeting.
Reporting on
Closed Session |
Mr. Barlow reported on the items considered by the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency during the Closed Session meetings.
Initial Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the initial open public comment period
of oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Ardis Bazyn,
expressing appreciation for the City�s efforts to install audible signals
for blind persons at intersections but noting her preference for speech
signals over sound signals; Kevin Berkery, requesting that sound traffic
signals be replaced with speech traffic signals; Richard Plath, commenting
on the audio traffic signals and expressing his preference for the speech
signals; Garen Yegparian, commenting on the previous award of Community
Development Block Grant funds; Les Hammer, commenting on the Council�s
decision regarding the Home Depot day laborer center; and, Eden Rosen,
Theresa Karam and Mark Barton, on the disturbance which was created by a
member of the public at the May 4, 2004 Council meeting.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Agenda Item
Oral Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the agenda item oral communications at
this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Mark Barton,
requesting more detail on Mr. Golonski�s request to discuss the
feasibility of forming a business process review committee; and, Eden
Rosen, commending Ray Krakowski, Fire Battalion Chief, for his assistance
during the time she was a caregiver for her father and requesting that the
Fire Department be provided additional funding for training.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
7:58 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed to permit the Redevelopment Agency, Housing
Authority, Parking Authority and Youth Endowment Services Fund Board to
hold their meetings. The Council reconvened at 8:00 p.m. with all members
Motion |
It was moved by Mr. Vander Borght and seconded by Ms. Murphy that "the
following items on the consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Approved |
The minutes for the regular meeting of March 23, the adjourned meeting of
March 29, and the regular meeting of March 30, 2004 were approved as
Treasurer�s Report |
The City Treasurer�s report on investment and reinvestment of temporarily
idle funds for the quarter ending March 31, 2004 was noted and ordered
Draft Relocation
Plan and
Housing Plan for
2321 N. Fairview
St. and 2321-
2323 N. Catalina
St. |
A report was
received form the Community Development Department transmitting to the
Council the Draft Relocation Plan and providing the Redevelopment Agency
(Agency) with the Replacement Housing Plan for 2321 North Fairview Street
and 2321-2323 North Catalina Street (Properties) to be acquired and
rehabilitated by the Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) pending future
Agency authorization. The report indicated that the Properties are located
in an R-4 medium density residential neighborhood within the Golden State
Focus Neighborhood and are generally bound by Thornton Avenue to the
north, Buena Vista Street to the east, Empire Avenue to the south and
Hollywood Way to the west.
The Council accepted the Draft Relocation Plan for 2321 North Fairview
Street and 2321-2323 North Catalina Street and instructed staff to return
at the end of the 30-day public review period.
Payment to the
California Dept.
Of Conservation,
Division of
Recycling |
Adopted |
The consent calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Murphy,
Vander Borght and Ramos.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
Business Process
Committee |
Mr. Flad, Assistant City Manager, reported that at a recent meeting,
Council Member Golonski requested that staff place an item on the agenda
pertaining to his interest in establishing a community committee to
examine the City�s budget. Prior to expending any significant staff
effort, he stated that this item has been placed on the agenda as the
first step, in what is referred to as the �one-step, two-step process�,
for additional Council discussion and consideration. He added that
Council Member Golonski recently met with staff to further define his
desire to implement a committee-based audit and efficiency study of
various departmental operations. He noted that with the ultimate goal of
increasing the City�s efficiency in providing specific services, a
business process review could be led by a review/audit committee
consisting of staff, community leaders and elected officials to identify
cost saving strategies for targeted City government functions, and would
include but not be limited to: a more in-depth fiscal analysis based on
the existing performance-based budget process; Executive Staff to make
initial recommendations of targeted programs for review; potential
Business Process Review structure; and, development of stronger individual
performance standards related to efficiency.
Mr. Golonski noted
the need to develop an ongoing process to review the City�s conduct of
business and identify efficiencies. He stated that although he had no
particular process or structure set, it was in the best interest of the
City to review the delivery of services and programs in light of the
recurring budgetary challenges.
Following Council
deliberation, staff was directed to provide a list of recommended programs
for review.
FY 2004-05
Budget Study
(City Attorney,
City Treasurer,
City Clerk, Info.
Tech., Mgmt.
Svcs., CDD)
Departmental Budget Presentations
Mr. Hanway, Financial Services Director, presented an overview of the
Fiscal Year (FY) 2003-04 budget, noting the
changes to the
proposed General Fund budget.
With the aid
of a PowerPoint presentation, he discussed the projected recurring General
Fund balance with a recommendation that the recurring deficit be balanced
by increasing the Transient Parking Tax from 10 percent to 12 percent and
use of the difference in the utility rate reductions. He also discussed
the projected non-recurring General Fund balance and stated that staff
recommended balancing the deficit with the use of the recurring General
Fund surplus after the recommendations are adopted, Burbank Water and
Power Set Aside Fund, or FY 2003-04 budget surplus. He then discussed the
source and use of funds for the fiscal year, and recapped that the changes
driving the appropriations included: increases in Public Employee
Retirement System (PERS) rates; projected Memoranda of Understanding
increases; and, General Liability Insurance Fund rental rates. He noted
that despite departmental budget reductions there has been in increase in
Mr. Vander Borght commented on the proceedings of the League of California
Cities� Ballot Initiative to prevent the State from taking local
government funds and requested Council input.
It was the consensus of the Council to support the League of California
Cities� direction.
Ms. Alvord, City Manager, reported that Executive Staff is reviewing the
proposed agreement and a report will be provided to the Council.
Mr. Barlow, City Attorney, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the City
Attorney�s Office.
Ms. Anderson, City Treasurer, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the City
Treasurer�s Office.
Mrs. Campos, City Clerk, presented the FY 2004-05 budget for the City
Clerk�s Office.
Ms. Wyatt, Information Technology Director, presented the FY 2004-05
budget for the Information Technology Department.
Mrs. Sarquiz, Management Services Director, presented the FY 2004-05
budget for the Management Services Department. Also, Mr. Patricola,
Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety,
discussed the City�s risk management policy.
Mrs. Georgino, Community Development Director, presented the FY 2004-05
budget for the Community Development Department.
Submitted |
It was moved by Ms. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Campbell that �Ordinance
No. 3638 be read for the second time by title only and be passed and
adopted.� The title to the following ordinance was read:
Utility Users Tax
Ordinance |
Adopted |
The ordinance was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Murphy,
Vander Borght and Ramos.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
10:51 P.M.
Reconvene Redev.
Agency, Housing
Authority, Parking
Authority, and
YES Fund Board
Meetings |
The Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Youth
Endowment Services Fund Board meetings were reconvened at this time.
Final Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mrs. Ramos called for speakers for the final open public comment period of
oral communications at this time.
Comment |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications at
this time.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 10:52 p.m.
Margarita Campos, City Clerk