The Council received
the current list of Council and Redevelopment Agency Liaisons to
Committees/Task Forces/Boards.
The following
assignments were made:
Southern California
Association of Governments (SCAG)
Truck Lane
Task Force, Ms. Murphy;
Arroyo Verdugo
Subregion of SCAG Policy Committee, Mr. Campbell;
Subcommittee on
Community, Economic and Housing Development, Mr. Campbell;
San Fernando Valley
Transit Zone Government Policy Committee, Mr. Vander Borght;
Chamber of Commerce
Liaison, Mrs. Ramos;
League of California
Cities Legislative Delegate, Mrs. Ramos
League of California
Cities Voting Delegate, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght as the Alternate;
Public Information
Office Advisory Committee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght;
Representative to
Providence Saint Joseph�s
Medical Center, Mr.
Vander Borght;
Domestic Violence
Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Ms. Murphy;
Audit Committee,
Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght
Real estate
negotiations, all assignments remained the same;
Neighborhood Revitalization Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght;
Liaison to the
Priority In Education Foundation, Mr. Golonski;
Youth Task Force,
Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski;
Alliance, Ms. Murphy
and Mr. Vander Borght; Environmental Oversight Committee, Mr. Vander
Borght and Mr. Campbell;
Liaison to the
Association of Realtors, Mr. Campbell; Liaisons to the Magnolia Park
Citizens Advisory Committee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght;
Affordable Housing
Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski; Development and Community Services
Advisory Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;
Buena Vista
Library Site Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski;
Opportunity Site 6B
Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;
Subcommittee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Campbell;
Sister City
Committee, Mrs. Ramos;
Media Relations
Committee, Mrs. Ramos;
Subcommittee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell;
Subcommittee, Mrs. Ramos;
DeBell Clubhouse
Renovation Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght;
Land Use Committee,
Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Campbell;
Mag-Lev Corridor
Subcommittee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Campbell; and,
Site Specific
Selection Committee for Art Projects at
Burbank Water and
Power, Mr. Vander Borght and Ms. Murphy.
Mr. Golonski
suggested that the Joint Action Group be disbanded since regular joint
meetings are currently being scheduled, and Ms. Alvord stated that she
would inform Dr. Bowman, Superintendent of Schools.