City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Saturday, May 8, 2004

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date at the Buena Vista Library, Community Room, 300 North Buena Vista Street, at 9:06 a.m., by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.





Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Vander Borght and Ramos.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications at this time.



Review of


Ms. Alvord reviewed the agenda for the annual Goal Setting Workshop.  She informed the Council that the top ten goals as identified by the individual Department Managers were included in the agenda packet.



Expectations of





Ms. Alvord presented the handout entitled, �Our Expectations of Staff,� She outlined the expectations of staff as follows: reports and presentations shall be made in an understandable and non-bureaucratic manner so as to encourage open discussion and exchange of ideas, and to help the Council make informed decisions; reports and presentations shall provide an objective analysis of the issues and not be oriented to the advantage of a particular point of view; there shall be a staff recommendation on each major issue and the basis for the staff recommendation shall be articulate; staff shall enthusiastically and faithfully represent, defend and carryout the direction of the Council even when the final direction is contrary to the staff recommendation; the Council shall be kept well-informed of any developments in the City and forewarned as to what potential problems or issues might exist beyond the immediate horizon; staff shall maintain open, cooperative, impartial and supportive relationships with all Council Members, regardless of any differences of opinion which might exist amongst the Council Members; the City Manager, City Attorney, and Executive Staff shall be readily available and responsive to all Council Members, who shall communicate with staff through the Executives and other key management staff and not directly with the rank and file employees; and, staff shall take direction from the Council, as a body, and not from individual Council Members.


Ms. Alvord also added that input from individual Council Members is appropriate, encouraged and appreciated and staff shall not interpret Council Members� comments as �direction� and any appropriate follow-up will be undertaken through normal procedures and practices. She also stated that if differences or discord between the Council and the City Manager, City Attorney or Executive Staff begin to appear, both the Council and staff agree to raise the discord with the entire Council to resolve the matter; and, it is the duty of the City Manager and key management staff to see that these values are faithfully implemented at all levels of the organization. 



How We Work


The Council discussed the basic principles of a document entitled, �How We Work Together,� enumerating the following points:  moving on once votes are taken; keeping focused on issues; demonstrating respect for each other; guarding against unnecessary disruptive comments; working to elevate issues above the personal level; cautioning against seriatim deliberations; respecting each other�s differences; accepting that doing things differently is not an indictment of the past; always moving toward positive interactions with each other; remaining united as a body; refraining from making comments which could be interpreted as using the press against each other; disciplining themselves to comment during the discussion period before the vote is taken; being hard on the issue, easy on the person; always disagreeing respectfully without demeaning another person; recognizing the Council is a team of individuals working in a collaborative system toward a common goal; not being afraid to fail, promoting an environment where Council Members and staff can share ideas without fear of ridicule or criticism; and, reporting any Council subcommittee status to the entire Council on a regular basis.


Mayor Ramos noted that Council Members are adhering to the principles as outlined. Discussion ensued amongst the Council Members regarding their desire to have more opportunity for open dialogue on specific issues and to discuss upcoming projects or agenda items.  It was suggested that this could be accomplished with a monthly discussion on future agenda items.  Ms. Alvord stated that staff would begin to identify potential topics for discussion.




Liaisons to


Task Forces/


The Council received the current list of Council and Redevelopment Agency Liaisons to Committees/Task Forces/Boards. 


The following assignments were made: 

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Truck Lane Task Force, Ms. Murphy; 

Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG Policy Committee, Mr. Campbell;

Subcommittee on Community, Economic and Housing Development, Mr. Campbell;

San Fernando Valley Transit Zone Government Policy Committee, Mr. Vander Borght;

Chamber of Commerce Liaison, Mrs. Ramos;

League of California Cities Legislative Delegate, Mrs. Ramos

League of California Cities Voting Delegate, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght as the Alternate;

Public Information Office Advisory Committee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght;

Representative to Providence Saint Joseph�s Medical Center, Mr. Vander Borght;

Domestic Violence Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Ms. Murphy;

Audit Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght

Real estate negotiations, all assignments remained the same;

Peyton-Grismer Neighborhood Revitalization Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght;

Liaison to the Burbank Priority In Education Foundation, Mr. Golonski;

Youth Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski;

Economic Alliance, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght; Environmental Oversight Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;

Liaison to the Burbank Association of Realtors, Mr. Campbell; Liaisons to the Magnolia Park Citizens Advisory Committee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght;

Affordable Housing Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski; Development and Community Services Advisory Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;

Old Buena Vista Library Site Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski;

Opportunity Site 6B Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;

Airport Subcommittee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Campbell; 

Sister City Committee, Mrs. Ramos;

Media Relations Committee, Mrs. Ramos;

Childcare Subcommittee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell;

Library Subcommittee, Mrs. Ramos;

DeBell Clubhouse Renovation Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght;

Land Use Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Campbell;

Mag-Lev Corridor Subcommittee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Campbell; and,

Site Specific Selection Committee for Art Projects at Burbank Water and Power, Mr. Vander Borght and Ms. Murphy.


Mr. Golonski suggested that the Joint Action Group be disbanded since regular joint meetings are currently being scheduled, and Ms. Alvord stated that she would inform Dr. Bowman, Superintendent of Schools. 



Goals and

Priorities of

Individual Council



Mayor Ramos asked each Council Member to state their individual goals and priorities for the upcoming Fiscal Year.



Mr. Campbell listed the following items:


1.     Mobility

2.     Airport

3.     Groundwater

4.     Land use

5.     Budget

6.     Downtown Burbank

7.     Ovrom Park and other City facilities

8.     Heat island effect/art in public places

9.     Underground electrical lines

10. Magnolia Power Plant and renewables portfolio




Mr. Golonski listed the following items:


1.     Community involvement

2.     Building community

a.      Target neighborhoods and Citywide

b.     Community garden

c.      Sustainable city

d.     Broaden mission of community centers

3.     Sustainable density

4.     Sustainable funding for the arts

5.     Expand reclaimed water

6.     Youth programs

7.     Business corridor beautification

8.     Budget/employee negotiations

9.     Civic Center planning

10.    Cost effective service delivery




Ms. Murphy listed the following items:


1.     Magnolia Park

a.      Hollywood Way/Magnolia Boulevard intersection

2.     Burbank Boulevard

3.     Long term housing plan

4.     Traffic

5.     Airport

6.     Dollars for infrastructure

7.     Streamlining/efficiencies

8.     Peyton/Grismer and Elmwood Avenue

9.     Stay involved in Sacramento

10.    Staff resources � spreading too thin

11.    Wine/food festival benefiting the arts




Mr. Vander Borght listed the following items:


1.     Fixed route public transportation service;

2.     Implement a minimum of six already-identified bike master plan projects;

3.     Implement a streetscape improvement for Burbank Boulevard;

4.     Adopt design standards for single-family residential area;

5.     Adopt a more ambitious, time-specific and budget-specific undergrounding of utilities plan;

6.     Bring the remnant parcel at five-points into public use;

7.     Implement the improvement of an R-1situated parking lot in the Magnolia Park or Burbank Boulevard area;

8.     Create a five-year budget balancing plan;

9.     Build a demonstration mixed-use project;

10.    Create a demonstration project of a pedestrian friendly street.




Mrs. Ramos listed the following items:


1.     Maintain strong local economy

a.      Balance budget

b.     Five year budget plan

c.      Efficient delivery of services


2.     Identify community building strategies

a.      City services/community based organizations/non-profits

                                            i.            Educate public on service availability

b.     Support for the arts

c.      Outreach to community groups

3.     Land Use Element update

4.     Protect/preserve neighborhoods

5.     Traffic mitigation/transportation improvements

6.     Airport

7.     Housing

8.     Downtown growth and safety

9.     Build on relationship with Burbank Unified School District

a.      Literacy

b.     Potential efficiencies

10.    Infrastructure

11.    Water conservation

12.    Trees, especially in business corridors




Ms. Murphy stated that priority should be given to the first five goals which the majority of the Council Members agree upon. Mr. Vander Borght requested that staff prepare a matrix depicting the goals identified by individual Council Members so the Council can vote on the top five goals.  Ms. Alvord stated staff would prepare the matrix of combined goals and present it as an upcoming discussion agenda item for Council consideration.


Ms. Alvord noted that the Workers Compensation Committee would be added to the Council and Redevelopment Agency Liaisons to Committees/Task Forces/Boards, with Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght continuing to serve on said Committee.




11:45 A.M.

The City Council Goal Setting Workshop adjourned to conduct a Closed Session on the following matters:


a.     Conference with Legal Counsel � Anticipated Litigation (City as possible plaintiff):

Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(c)

Number of potential case(s):  1


b.    Conference with Legal Counsel � Anticipated Litigation (City as possible defendant):

Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(b)(1)

Number of potential case(s):  1


c.     Public Employee Performance Evaluation:

Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957

Title of Employee�s Position:  City Manager.



Margarita Campos, City Clerk




      Mayor of the Council

     of the City of Burbank


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