An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order
this date as a joint meeting with the Board of Education, at the Buena Vista
Library, 300 North Buena Vista Street, at 6:07 p.m. by Ms. Burnett, Board of
Education President.
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy.
Board Members Burnett, Kemp, Krekorian, Bunch and Lackey. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; Mrs. Campos, City
Clerk; Dr. Bowman, Superintendent; Dr. Kiafar, Chief Facilities and
Development Superintendent; Mr. Jannace, Director of Pupil Services; Mr.
Vonk, Director of Technology Services; Ms. Burton, Superintendent�s Office
Communications |
There was no response to Mrs. Burnett�s invitation for oral communications
at this time.
Ventures Update |
Ms. Alvord, City
Manager, reported that at the last joint meeting, staff was directed
develop collaborative cost-saving ventures with the Burbank Unified School
District (BUSD). Dr. Bowman, BUSD Superintendent, added that nineteen
areas were identified and a tiered collaborative ventures matrix was
established in priority order. He explained that Tier 1 consists of items
which could be quickly accomplished; Tier 2 consists of items that would
take longer to accomplish; and, Tier 3 consists of items that may take an
entire year to accomplish. He emphasized that there was no intent to
eliminate positions but to identify economies and efficiencies in
utilizing the available resources.
Ms. Murphy inquired
as to whether the BUSD is currently using City gas pumps and if any
savings are being realized. Dr. Bowman responded in the affirmative but
stated that the specific amount of savings had not yet been determined.
Mr. Feng, Public Works Director, stated that the BUSD is saving
approximately 15 to 20 cents per gallon and that although incorporating
the BUSD fleet is a pilot program, an agreement will be drawn between the
BUSD and the City.
Mr. Krekorian
inquired as to whether the City incurs increased administrative costs for
providing the service and whether the agreement would include BUSD�s
obligation for the administrative costs. Mr. Hanway, Financial Services
Director, reported that the BUSD will be billed at approximately five
percent above actual costs, and added that staff anticipated that the BUSD
annual sales would be approximately $45,000.
Mr. Vander Borght
requested a status report on the electric rate agreement which will expire
this year. Mr. Davis, General Manager, Burbank Water and Power, stated
that a draft proposal had been presented outlining the result-oriented
activities related to conservation affording better rates to the BUSD. He
noted that the BUSD is making efforts to conserve energy with the
exception of solar heating devices for the swimming pools, which would
amount to considerable savings. Dr. Bowman reported that installation of
solar heating devices will be discussed at an upcoming meeting with Mr.
Mr. Krekorian
inquired as to when the agreement might be presented to the Board of
Education, and Dr. Bowman indicated that staff was still analyzing whether
there are any ramifications prior to presenting the agreement to the Board
of Education. Mr. Davis noted that the goal is to have the document
completed by the end of the fiscal year.
Mr. Bunch suggested
that since the pools are closely situated to the gymnasiums, the solar
heating panels be placed such that they could be used by the gymnasiums as
Discussion ensued
regarding Charter Communications and the possibility of installing
fiber-optic feeds at all school sites. Mr. McManus, Public Information
Officer, stated that education access is available through the City�s
agreement with Charter Communications, but noted that consideration must
be given to hardware, broadcasting and programming costs if channels are
increased. He also added that it may be less expensive to put programming
for the BUSD on the government channel by renting space. Mr. Vonk, BUSD�s
Technology Services Manager, noted the prohibitive cost of installing
fiber-optic feeds to school sites and stated that the BUSD was considering
broadcasting through Charter Communications.
Mr. Campbell
suggested that staff obtain information from other school districts that
have agreements with cable companies.
Mrs. Lackey left the
Mr. Golonski noted
the slow progress of several items, including the joint janitorial
services item. Mr. Herman, Purchasing Manager, reported that the City had
recently entered into a new janitorial supplies contract with another city
and that staff was in the process of finding ways to add the BUSD to the
contract. Ms. Alvord noted that joint purchasing would produce savings but
the possibility of the BUSD joining the janitorial supplies contract may
not be possible since the City may already be locked in the current
agreement for a period of time.
Mr. Golonski voiced
the need for another process to track progress on the items on the matrix.
There was also discussion on the need for additional information before
both agencies begin work on their budgets and that projected timelines
need to be more realistic.
Mrs. Burnett
commented on how well the collaboration had gone between the two agencies
and thanked both staffs for their efforts. Dr. Bowman noted that a
revision of timelines would be done and that the information will be
provided to both agencies.
Communications |
Garen Yegparian
commented on the importance of energy efficiencies; lack of consideration
for human factors such as health and longevity; placement of solar panels
on school buildings with surplus funds and the savings that could be
realized; and, connections to Charter Communications.
There were no
comments from the Board or Council.
Dr. Bowman
summarized the discussion and reported that the BUSD would review the
matrix for concepts and ideas, and Ms. Alvord noted that she would provide
direction to staff about hastening the process and setting realistic
timelines. Dr. Bowman noted that revisions will be done and reflected in
the report when the two agencies meet again. Until that time, he stated
that written updates will be provided more frequently than in the past,
and it was noted that both agencies will meet before either agency adopts
their budget. He suggested that the next joint meeting be scheduled in
Report on Sub-
Committee Fundraising Efforts |
Mr. Golonski
reported that Burbank Priority in Education (PIE) held a development
meeting at Disney Studios and is still in the process of developing the
Board membership, establishing subcommittees, selecting a logo and
discussing a variety of fundraising efforts. He stated that Burbank PIE
was discussing hosting a fundraising event at the Starlight Bowl next
summer and that information concerning the terms of use and parameters
needed to be established. He announced the officers of Burbank PIE,
including: Michael Hastings, Chair; Judie Sarquiz, Vice Chair; Linda
Walmsley, Secretary; and, Lynne Strang, Treasurer.
Mrs. Ramos commented
on the Board recruitment and development process and introduced Mrs.
Sarquiz who briefly spoke on the dynamics of the group and the vision of
improving the BUSD by bringing different components in the community
Mr. Golonski thanked
the Walt Disney Company for hosting the meeting and noted that the need
for basic supplies would be discussed at the next meeting.
Mr. Krekorian
emphasized that Burbank PIE is not exclusively a fundraising entity but
that fundamental basic needs of school sites will also be addressed. He
noted that the BUSD is facing budgetary challenges and does not have the
option of imposing user fees and raising taxes to meet its obligations.
He thanked those who took a leadership role in Burbank PIE and encouraged
others to participate by contacting Mr. Hastings at [email protected]. He
inquired as to whether information could be put on the BUSD website and
Dr. Bowman responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Bunch commented
on a recent gift of paper from Mr. O�Neill, Vice President, National
Broadcasting Company, and stated that the gift was very much appreciated.
BUSD Report on
Conservation Efforts |
Dr. Bowman reported
on the energy workshop that was held by the Board of Education in which
California High Performing Schools (CHPS) standards were incorporated in
some of the BUSD projects.
Mr. Vander Borght
inquired about the status of recommendations made at the last Board of
Education meeting concerning the adoption of energy conservation
policies. Dr. Kiafar reported that a resolution authored by Mr. Krekorian,
Dr. Bowman and himself was drafted, and that it will be presented to the
Board of Education for adoption in February 2004, and will include all
recommendations of the CHPS manual. Dr. Bowman also noted that with the
efforts of the school principals and staff, the BUSD has realized energy
conservation through behavioral changes such as turning off lights and
thermostats, and closing windows and doors.
Mr. Campbell
concurred with the importance of behavioral changes but noted the need for
incorporating energy efficiency and improving public health in the design
phase of projects. He also inquired as to the BUSD efforts to improve
indoor air quality and use of natural daylight. Dr. Kiafar responded that
efforts have been made to maximize daylight use in classrooms by
increasing the number of windows and skylights. He also noted the efforts
with regard to proper ventilation and the types of materials being used to
reduce exposure to toxins. Mr. Campbell asked if an analysis had been
done on exposure to toxins and Dr. Kiafar responded that staff had not
done an analysis, but the architects and consultants were required to
address the issue through the use of environmentally-friendly material.
Mr. Campbell pointed out the opportunity to identify, monitor and quantify
benefits such as air quality, energy efficiency and use of natural day
light. He asked to meet with Dr. Kiafar and Dr. Bowman to review the
report in more depth. He also commented on the need to require architects
and engineers to adhere to CHPS standards and to incorporate the standards
in the design phase and not after project completion.
Mr. Golonski shared
the City�s efforts in energy conservation and encouraged Dr. Bowman to
take a similar approach with the BUSD. Dr. Bowman reported that all
employees had already been e-mailed accordingly. Mr. Golonski pointed out
the importance of providing feedback to employees on their progress and
suggested holding a competition or challenge, noting that since each
school site is metered separately, it would be easy to implement.
Discussion ensued
regarding the establishment of baselines to determine energy conservation
progress and it was noted that energy conservation would be difficult to
monitor until all modernization is complete. Each site would need to be
monitored individually to examine previous records in comparison to the
current records. It was also pointed out that the BUSD would need to go
through an entire one-year cycle on projects that are already modernized
to obtain an accurate report.
Mr. Vander Borght
suggested that a historical representation be done on the 11 schools that
have completed modernization and that way a prediction could be made as to
how the remaining schools will follow. Mr. Davis stated that a quick
report card can be done for contractual purposes but more time is needed
for a precise report. Dr. Bowman also added that a plan would be
developed and submitted to Mr. Davis.
Status of Joint
Use Agreement |
Mr. Flad, Assistant
City Manager, commented on the Joint Use Agreement and pointed out that it
is the mechanism by which the BUSD and City share facilities and services
in terms of finances, legal accountability, roles and responsibilities.
He also pointed out the need to revise the document and emphasized that
although the agreement is outdated, the partnership is intact and
functioning well. Dr. Bowman noted that both agencies were in concurrence
that the Joint Use Agreement needs to be revised.
Mr. Golonski
inquired as to the amount of money that the City owes the BUSD and Ms.
Alvord clarified that the financial portion of the current agreement is up
to date.
Mr. Vander Borght
commented on
Robert R. Ovrom Park and pointed out the need to upgrade Memorial Field,
noting the enormous amount of use by the schools and the community. Mr.
Flad reported that Memorial Field will be studied in terms of drop-in use
as well as school and community use.
Dr. Bowman announced
that a committee is being appointed to identify all needs in the BUSD that
were not part of the modernization, and that athletic issues such as
artificial turf, all-weather track and repairs to Memorial Field will be
included. Ms. Alvord noted that the renovation of Memorial Field might be
a perfect fundraising opportunity in which the community can be involved.
Mr. Flad clarified on the possibility of using Youth Endowment Services
(YES) Funds for Memorial Field, pointing out that the funds are available
for City and BUSD capital projects only.
Mayor�s Youth
Task Force
Programs |
Mrs. Stein, Deputy
Director, Park, Recreation and Community Services; and Hank Jannace,
Director of Pupil Services, briefly reported on the Mayor�s Youth Task
Force recommended programs. Ms. Stein reported that $150,000 was
allocated to a conflict resolution program at the middle schools and that
the PeaceColors program had been introduced to identify and solve the
needs on campus dealing with alcohol abuse, drug abuse and violence. She
noted that funding is due to run out this semester and that additional
funding may be requested. Mr. Jannace noted the need for continuing the
program and noted that curriculum addressing issues such as anti-bullying
and anti-violence was now available.
Mr. Golonski
announced that a report on middle school activities will be presented at
the next Mayor�s Youth Task Force meeting to wrap up the previous grant
and added that it is expected a plan for an additional semester will be
presented. He noted that the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended that
$75,000 be set aside to fund the programs. It was also pointed out that
the Youth Counseling Program will be presented to the Board of Education
for approval and will be initiated in March 2004.
Mrs. Ramos inquired
as to the principals� and counselors� perception of the Youth Counseling
Program and Mr. Jannace responded that principals and counselors were
fully supportive of the program.
Dr. Bowman expressed
his desire to start the program by March 1, 2004 noting that $50,000 had
been designated for the program, which would fund the program through
2004. Mrs. Ramos noted that similar services have been provided to the
Community Day School and have been very successful.
Library Grant
Update |
Mrs. Cohen, Library
Services Director, reported that the application for funding for a new
Central Library had been submitted. She provided background on the
revisions to the original application and pointed out that 72 libraries
throughout the State had applied for the grant. She noted that because
Burbank has a significant need, staff was hopeful that the grant will be
awarded. She also noted that if the grant is not awarded, the partnership
will still be implemented to the extent possible. She anticipated
receiving feedback by the end of August 2004 and stated that help will be
required in the form of contacting State representatives by writing
letters in support of Burbank�s need for a new library.
Dr. Bowman suggested that a
group of individuals be transported to Sacramento to advocate for the
Mr. Krekorian suggested
this issue be discussed at the next joint meeting and suggested that a
joint meeting be scheduled every three months.
Ms. Murphy noted that a
date at the end of March had already been discussed.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council and Board of
Education, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Margarita Campos, City Clerk
MARCH 16, 2004
Mayor of the Council
Of the City of Burbank