Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 9, 2003Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff requests City Council authorization to execute a supplemental funding agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to receive $1,428,000 in federal funds for the Media District Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project.
In March 2000, the City Council approved resolution no. 25,717 authorizing the submittal of a grant application for the Media District ITS Project. The following January, the City Council approved resolution no. 25,922 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for the Media District ITS funding. The California Transportation Commission has programmed funding for the project, and staff has submitted and received approval from Caltrans of all forms and processes needed to receive the federal funds.
On November 4, 2003, the City Council awarded the construction contract for bid schedule no. 1125, Construction of Media District ITS Project to Dynalectric. The bid schedule combined the Media District ITS Project with two other grant funded projects, Regionwide Incident Management Strategies (RIMS) and Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) projects.
The final step in the funding process for the Media District ITS grant is to approve a Supplemental Agreement that will modify Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 07-5200 between Caltrans and the City of Burbank. This master agreement identifies invoicing procedures and requirements to receive the grant funds, and it is amended each time a federally funded project is authorized. The Supplemental Agreement will allow the City of Burbank to receive the federal funds programmed for the Media District ITS Project.
The lowest bid for bid schedule no. 1125, Construction of Media District ITS Project was $1,878,184.36 from Dynalectric. A total of $1,951,351.67 is currently available for this project from the following Oracle accounts:
By executing the Supplemental Agreement, the City will receive reimbursement of $1,482,000 in federal funds for the Media District ITS portion of bid schedule no. 1125.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution.