Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 9, 2003Agenda Item - 14 |
PURPOSEThe purpose of this report is to receive City Council approval of a request from the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) and Providence High School and Bellarmine-Jefferson High School to contribute to aid Burbank students for the annual Close-Up Program and the National High School Model United Nations Program.
The Close-Up Program is an educational experience designed to acquaint high school students with the operation of the three branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) of the federal government. The Close-Up Program participants travel to Washington, D.C. for a weeklong look at the federal government. The National High School Model United Nations Program provides a unique, educational opportunity through the simulation of United Nations committees. Students will discuss challenging topics that force them to consider conflicting viewpoints, and they will be expected to work together to develop comprehensive and creative solutions to the very same problems that our world leaders face today.
Both these programs have served as a tremendous learning experience for students interested in a career in government as well as those interested in community and public service. Only participants that are both Burbank residents and attend a Burbank high school are eligible for the City�s contribution.
FISCAL IMPACT: The City�s Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget appropriated $20,000 for these programs. As in prior years, staff will ensure that checks will be made out to directly the students of the participating schools.
It is staff�s recommendation that the City Council approve a contribution of up to $20,000, to participating Burbank Unified School District (Burbank and Burroughs High Schools) and Providence & Bellarmine-Jefferson High School students to partially fund the 2004 Close-Up Program and 2004 National High School Model United Nations Program.