Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 9, 2003Agenda Item - 13 |
Water Quality
Financial and Operations Update
( ) Unfavorable
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Legislative Update
Electric Reliability
The following table shows the systemwide reliability statistics through October 2003 for Fiscal Year 2003-04 as compared to Fiscal Year 2002-03:
Financial and Operations Update
(1) Includes accrual for unbilled retail revenue of $ 675k starting in October 2003.
Local Generation Operations Update Unit Status
October 2003 Unit Data
Power Supply
BWP received a second check in the amount of $207,559 from FEMA and a check for $126,660 from California�s Office of Emergency Services (OES).
Engineering and fabrication work associated with this project continues with a scheduled completion date in late 2004.
The items in this report are provided as a general overview of the status of the Project. These items are discussed in considerable detail among the Project Participants at the Project Coordination Meeting each Friday, and at the monthly Coordinating Committee meetings.
Safety The Project goal is zero recordable accidents. Through October, Kvaerner has worked 34,230 man-hours with no recordable accidents.
The process to develop a revised construction budget has begun and the Project Manager will review the revised construction budget with the Coordinating Committee at the December meeting.
The project remains on schedule for a commercial operation date of May 25, 2005.
No Project A refinancing is planned at this time.
CEC Compliance
The CEC approved two offsite areas that will be used for storage and off loading heavy equipment. Monthly reports are being made as required by the CEC. No violations of conditions have occurred.
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Activities since the last Project Director�s Report of October 13
City attorneys in Los Angeles have determined that the Facilities Agreement will require the approval of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners. LADWP staff continues to assure Greg Simay that there is no problem with the contents of the Facilities Agreement and that Board approval is a matter of governance. LADWP staff is scheduling approval of the Facilities Agreement for the December meeting of the Commission.
Studies for various regulatory, contractual and physical options for the transmission of Project output to the ISO are essentially complete. The individual staffs of Burbank and Glendale have reviewed the economic feasibility, and have concluded that they can offer significant savings to the ISO participants in comparison to the Open Access Transmission Tariff. The General Managers of both cities will be meeting next week (along with their power supply Assistant General Managers) to review the deal points and determine the actual savings that could be offered.
Physical ties involving Edison continue to be actively pursued. Greg Simay and Fred Fletcher met informally with Don Allen and have reached a preliminary conclusion that the physical option, while likely to be contested, is legally feasible. Greg Simay and Fred Fletcher will be visiting James Pope, currently General Manager of the Santa Clara utility, to learn what was involved when their utility built a 230 kV underground transmission line in an urban area, similar to what is being explored for the Project.
Staff is continuing to review LADWP�s proposal for operational arrangements with LADWP that would provide opportunities to deliver Project output to the ISO under an integrated facility agreement.
Coordinating Committee Actions at its Meeting on September 17 (no Coordinating Committee meeting was held in October)
Project Manager's (Project Director's) Actions Since Last Project Director's Report of October 13
With consultation and agreement from Project Participants, the following actions have been taken:
Key Milestones and Anticipated Significant Activities For the Next 30 Days
Coordinating Committee Meeting
The next meeting of the Coordinating Committee will be on December 18. Power Supply Capital Projects
All drawings for the RTU upgrades have been issued.
Testing of the Golden State RTU is still in progress. The installation of the Pacific RTU has started. Conversion of the map board is nearly complete and currently displays breaker status for all stations converted to date.
To date, staff has developed screens and configured 18 new station annunciators into the SCADA database. These new displays mimic the annunciator panels at the various stations and therefore inform dispatchers of the specific reason for an alarm. This allows the dispatchers to operate more efficiently and avoid making unnecessary trips to stations.
BWP is still working to resolve insurance issues with Telvent�s insurance carrier before Purchasing can issue Change Orders No. 2 and No.3.
A contract with OATI, Inc. for a Scheduling and Transaction Management System (STMS) has been executed and project planning for implementation is underway. The web-based OATI software, and integration with the Telvent system, is expected to be completed by early 2004.
� Telecom
BWP Engineering provided a proposal to Plus 8 Digital for fiber optic services to connect 300 S. Flower St. to 111 Verdugo Ave.
BWP Engineering provided a proposal to Warner Music Group for fiber optic service to connect 3300 Riverside Drive to Pinnacle Building at 3400 W. Olive Ave.
BWP's formal proposal was accepted by Warner Brothers to have BWP provide additional fiber optic strands from Warner Brothers Building 157 to Dalt�s Building 3500 W. Olive Ave. A job order was generated and released to the Operations Section to complete this request.
BWP generated and released a fiber optic job to connect NBC Studios to BWP�s fiber optic ring. A job order was generated and released to the Operations Section to complete this request.
BWP's formal proposal was accepted by Warner Brothers to have BWP relocate fiber optic termination box at WEA 111 N. Hollywood Way. A job order was generated and released to the Operations Section to complete this request.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job for OnFiber to provide a redundant fiber optic connection between Qwest Cyber Center 3015 Winona Ave. and a customer in Pasadena. Connection is through BWP�s fiber optic ring and Level 3�s fiber optic ring to connect facilities in Burbank and in Pasadena.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job for FotoKem to provide a fiber optic connection between 2801 W. Alameda Ave. and Fairmont Building 4111 W. Alameda Ave.
Field personnel completed a fiber optic job for Warner Brothers to provide additional fiber optic strands from Warner Brothers Building 157 to Dalt�s Building 3500 W. Olive Ave.
Field personnel completed the fiber optic job for Warner Brothers to relocate the fiber optic termination box at WEA 111 N. Hollywood Way.
� BWP Administration Building Remodel
This project has been on hold pending review of the final set of construction drawings and specifications by RTKL Associates Inc.
� Electrical Distribution
Rerouting of the 34.5 kV Burbank-San Jose line is complete.
Construction work for extending the ducts and manholes along Hollywood Way from the Warner Ranch Gate to Oak Street, along Oak Street to California Street, along California Street from Oak Street to Alameda Avenue and also along Avon Street from Oak Street to the alley north of Alameda is complete. Perry C. Thomas, the private contractor for Phase-2 underground ductwork, started construction on October 27 and completed the installation of all manholes. They are currently working on the installation of a duct system on Oak Street near Catalina Street towards Buena Vista and California Street, and this work is approximately 30 percent completed.
Since July 1, 2003, a total of forty-six pole replacements/installations have been issued to the field, with eighteen replacements occurring in October. Thirty-two poles have been replaced in this fiscal year, eleven of which were replaced in September.
Since July 1, 2003, nine pad mounted customer stations have been engineered, one of which was engineered in October. Since July, there have been four pad mounted customer stations issued to the field.
Construction is complete for the relocation of the BWP facilities located at the main Warner Bros. site. At Warner Bros. request, and at its cost, this work was completed by the end of October as scheduled.
All work for the final phase of the Ben Mar Hills Project and the Magnolia Boulevard Project-Phase 1 is complete. The second phase of the Magnolia Boulevard Project between Pass Avenue and Buena Vista Street is being engineered.
BWP staff is participating in a Caltrans meeting to lengthen the Alameda, Hollywood Way and Pass Ave. bridges over SR-134, and developing cost estimates for Phase 2 of this project. Phase 1, which includes construction of the new Hollywood Way Substation and a transfer of load, is 60% complete. Construction of the new off-ramp was completed on June 30, 2003. BWP staff continues to expect the new Hollywood Way Station to be completed by April 2004. By June 30, 2004 most of the 34,500 volt system will be reconfigured to connect four or five lines from Capon Switching Station.
SCPPA awarded a contract to ABB Inc. to design/build the Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Expansion at the Olive Switching Station. This will connect the Magnolia Power Plant to the Olive Switching Station. The preliminary design is in progress and construction is expected to be completed by November 2004.
Bock Co. is installing a new underground duct system in the BWP Yard to underground two 69,000 volt overhead lines as a part of BWP�s overall plan to improve and modernize the BWP generating site.
BWP staff has started work on the Olive Switching Station retrofit by upgrading circuit breakers, busses and other equipment. This upgrade is needed because of the Magnolia Power Project.
There have been 324 installations of remote reading meters as of September 26, 2003.
Legislative Update
Refer to the attached legislative reports.