Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 18, 2003Agenda Item - 12 |
Purpose To request City Council approval of contract documents (plans and specifications), award of a construction contract, approval of a professional services agreement for construction management, and authorization to execute a supplemental funding agreement with Caltrans for Bid Schedule No. 1119, Chandler Boulevard Bikeway Project. Background The Chandler Boulevard Bikeway Project constructs approximately two miles of landscaped class-I bikeway on the Chandler Boulevard median from Clybourn Avenue to Mariposa Street (Exhibit A). The scope of work includes construction of portland cement concrete bikeway and pedestrian path, curb, gutter, pedestrian ramp, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, earthwork, signing, striping, traffic signal modifications, landscape planting, and reclaimed water irrigation. Analysis: Bid Schedule No. 1119 was advertised for construction bids on September 3 and 6, 2003. A bid opening was held on October 7, 2003, and nine (9) contractors submitted bids ranging from $1,778,253.00 to $2,424,313.00 (Exhibit B). Valley Crest Landscape Development Inc. of San Fernando, California submitted the lowest bid of $1,778,253.00, which is 18.25% below the engineer�s estimate of $2,175,257.87. This contractor has previously performed work similar to the scope of work in this project for the City of Burbank with satisfactory results. An environmental review categorized this project as exempt by Categorical Exemption under CEQA Section 15304(h). Construction management of this project involves multiple disciplines of civil engineering, traffic engineering, and landscape architecture. Due to this broad scope of work and to maintain continuity, staff recommends that the project�s original design firm, David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA), be retained to provide construction management services. DEA has provided satisfactory consultant services for the City on many past and present projects. The professional services agreement with DEA includes both construction inspection and contract administration at a cost of $116,810.00 which is 6.6% of the construction cost. Construction of the bikeway is planned to start in December 2003 and be completed by June 2004. Fiscal Impact: $2,108,316.69 is currently available in Project No. 13761 for construction and construction management services. The funding sources for this project include: Development Impact Fees $1,133,907.00 General Fund $782,209.69 Transportation Development Act Funds $192,200.00
TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $2,108,316.69 Caltrans will reimburse up to $750,000.00 of the construction cost of this project. To receive construction reimbursement on this project, the City must execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 010-M to Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 07-5200 for Federal-Aid Projects dated July 15, 1997. The City also has $6,920 from Plant-A-Tree donations set aside in a separate account for the purchase of trees. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents; awarding the construction contract to Valley Crest Landscape Development Inc.; approving the professional services agreement for construction management with David Evans and Associates, Inc.; and authorizing execution of the supplemental funding agreement with Caltrans for Bid Schedule No. 1119, Chandler Boulevard Bikeway Project. Attachment: Exhibits A and B