Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 4, 2003Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff requests City Council approval of contract documents and the award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1125, Media District ITS Project to KDC, Inc., dba Dynalectric. BACKGROUND
The City of Burbank solicited and received three grants of State Transportation Improvement � Local (STPL) funds from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in Fiscal Years 1997 and 1999. These grants involve the installation of various data collection and traveler information systems in Burbank to better control traffic signals and manage incidents on our local streets. Since the three grants included the installation of field devices, they were included in one construction project.
The largest of the grants, the Media District ITS project, included construction funding of $1,482,000 in STPL funds and $412,000 of local development impact fees for a total funding level of $1,894,000. The Media District ITS project is intended to provide advanced traffic monitoring and control systems along SR � 134 for emergency traffic management and reoccurring traffic congestion on major travel routes and at freeway interchanges in the project area.
Systems to be installed with this project are fiber optic communications cable, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), and traffic signal system congestion detection (system detectors). These devices will allow incident detection, automatic modification of traffic signal timing, and traveler route advisory information for a wide variety of incidents on major streets in the Media District. The systems are particularly intended to manage traffic during traffic accidents on the major streets, or for diversion of freeway traffic during severe freeway congestion.
Two other grants, Regionwide Incident Management Strategies (RIMS) and Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) include the installation of CCTV and system detectors at several locations. The field devices were added to the project to enable all field systems to be installed together. The ATIS project has a total of $61,430 for the installation of three CCTV units, which have been previously purchased, and the RIMS project has a total of $140,000 allocated to the installation of system detectors. The total available funds from these two projects are $201,430.
These projects include approximately 11,400 feet of fiber and underground conduit, 15 CCTV cameras, seven message signs, and 18 system detectors. The communications system will also complete a vital link in the overall traffic system communications in Burbank. The location of the proposed devices and the communications system is illustrated in Attachment A.
This Intelligent Transportation System project was found to be categorically exempt from environmental review as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15301(c).
Bid Schedule 1125 was advertised beginning September 8, 2003, and a bid opening was held on October 7, 2003. Project information was given to seven contractors; however, only two contractors submitted bids as shown in Attachment B. Dynalectric submitted the lowest bid of $1,878,184.36, which is approximately 20%, or $322,980, above the Engineer�s Estimate of $1,555,202, but still within the available project funds. Dynalectric was found to be qualified for this project with all required licenses and experience. They are currently installing similar devices in the City of Glendale.
Staff discussed the lack of response with several contractors who would have normally bid this type of project and found that a number of contractors could not bid because their current backlog of work has affected their ability to bond for new work. The lack of competition and current contractor workloads produced high bid prices. Staff decided not to re-advertise for bids because the contract must be awarded in November in order to ensure that the grant funds continue to be available to the City.
A total of $1,951,351.67 is currently available for this project from the following Oracle accounts:
The available funds are $73,167.31 over the contractors bid amount. The additional funds will allow for some minor contingencies for the project.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $1,878,184.36 to install the Media District ITS field devices to KDC, Inc., dba Dynalectric for Bid Schedule 1125, Media District Intelligent Transportation Systems project.