Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 28, 2003Agenda Item - 8 |
The purpose of this report is to request Council adoption of resolutions revising the specification for the classification of Management Services Director CTC No. 0529 and revising and re-titling the specifications for the classifications of Employee Relations Administrator CTC No. 0319 to Assistant Management Services Director/Labor Relations and Human Resources CTC No. 0072 and Risk Manager CTC No. 0729 to Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety CTC No. 0073, as shown in the attachments.
With the recent resignation of the Management Services Director and the down-sizing due to budget cuts, the Management Services Department has undergone an extensive reorganization. The department has been consolidated from four divisions to two divisions (see attached organizational charts). As part of this reorganization, duties and responsibilities have been shifted and/or reassigned. To accurately reflect these shifting responsibilities, it is necessary to revise the specifications for the classifications of Employee Relations Administrator and Risk Manager. During the process, it was discovered that the specification for the classification of Management Services Director had not been revised in 17 years. As such, the specification included duties and responsibilities when the department included Human Resources, Finance, and Information Technology. Since that time, the department was divided into three separate departments (Management Services, Financial Services, and Information Technology) and the duties and responsibilities of the Management Services Director have changed drastically.
There is no fiscal impact from the revision of the specification for the classification of Management Services Director.
The salaries for the classifications of Assistant Management Services Director/Labor Relations and Human Resources and Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety have been set at 70% of the salary of the Management Services Director or $5,828.00-$7,080.00. This equates to a $16.00/month increase for the Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety from the current salary for Risk Manager and a $1,438.00/month decrease for the Assistant Management Services Director/Labor Relations and Human Resources from the current salary for Employee Relations Administrator.
Due to the recent reorganization of the Management Services Department, there will be no fiscal impact from the revisions and re-titlings of these classifications, as there will be adequate salary savings at the end of the fiscal year to absorb these additional salaries.
The revisions of the specification for the classification of Management Services Director address the significant changes to the classification and more clearly reflects the specialized duties and requirements. They also clearly address the current and on-going needs of the department. This position will continue to be an executive position, exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act, and will continue to be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.
The revisions and re-titling of the specifications for the classifications of Employee Relations Administrator to Assistant Management Services Director/Labor Relations and Human Resources and Risk Manager to Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety addresses the significant changes to the responsibilities of these classifications as a result of the reorganization. These changes more clearly reflect the additional specialized duties and requirements of these positions and the current and on-going needs of the department.
These positions will continue to be unrepresented management positions and, as such, will continue to be exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act, and will continue to be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.
These revisions were reviewed with the Civil Service Board on October 7, 2003.
Staff recommends that the specification for the classification of Management Services Director CTC No. 0529 be revised, as shown in the attachment, and that the specifications for the classifications of Employee Relations Administrator CTC No. 0319 and Risk Manager CTC No. 0729 be revised and re-titled as Assistant Management Services Director/Labor Relations and Human Resources CTC No. 0072 and Assistant Management Services Director/Risk Management and Safety CTC No. 0073, as shown in the attachments.
Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director