Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Agenda Item - 6


City Attorney�s Office

City of Burbank

Dennis A. Barlow, City Attorney



DATE: October 10, 2003
TO: Honorable Mayor and Council Members
FROM: Dennis A. Barlow, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Adjournment of October 21, 2003, Council Meeting for Intermountain Power Project Facilities Tour

I have been informed that council members and other city officials have been offered the opportunity of visiting the Intermountain Power Project (�IPP�) generating station in Delta, Utah, and the West Ridge Mine in Price, Utah.  This is scheduled as a one-day tour for Thursday, October 23, 2003. 


If three or more council members desire to take advantage of this opportunity, it is advisable that the regular council meeting of October 21, 2003, be adjourned to 10:00 am on October 23, 2003, at the IPP generating station in Delta and from there to 1:00 pm at the mine location in Price.  It is noted that the Brown Act expressly permits a meeting of a local legislative body to occur outside its jurisdictional boundaries to inspect real or personal property which cannot be conveniently brought within the territory over which the local agency exercises jurisdiction, which clearly applies here.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


cc:       Margarita Campos, City Clerk

            Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

            Michael S. Flad, Assistant City Manager

            Ronald E. Davis, General Manager - BWP

            JoAnn Davis, Administrative Officer - BWP





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