Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 16, 2003Agenda Item - 10 |
At the June 24, 2003 City Council meeting, staff presented an update on BWP�s renewable energy related activities as well as an initial staff report and draft for a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). Based on feedback received at that time, staff revised the staff report and RPS. Attached for your information is a revised version of that draft staff report. The draft staff report will be submitted to the City Council for approval of the RPS.
The purpose of the memo is to advise you of the steps that BWP staff proposes be taken over the next several months to establish a RPS by the end of the calendar year as required by SB 1078.
The following action plan is designed to achieve that goal:
1. September 16, 2003, present the revised draft RPS to Council for their input. 2. Mid-September through October hold public meetings on the proposed RPS. 3. November 6, 2003, present final RPS to BWP Board for approval. 4. December 9, 2003, or earlier, present final RPS to Council for approval.
RED:FCF:BJ:bj Renewables Sept 2003 council memo.doc