Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 12, 2003Agenda Item - 3 |
To request City Council approval of contract documents (plans and specifications), award of a construction contract, and authorization to execute a supplemental funding agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for Bid Schedule No. 1068, Mariposa Street Improvements, Verdugo Avenue to Valley Heart Drive.
This street improvement project is included in the City�s Capital Improvement Program. The location of this project is shown on Exhibit A and the scope of work includes the following:
The project limits of pavement resurfacing did not originally include the area between Riverside Drive and Valley Heart Drive. However, this area has now been included due to its severe pavement deterioration and the proposed storm drain trenching.
On July 8, 2003, seven (7) contractors submitted bids for this bid schedule, ranging from $986,844.00 to $1,401,945.00, as shown on Exhibit B. The apparent low bidder requested to withdraw its bid, due to a clerical error in preparing the bid amount calculation. With concurrence of the City Attorney�s Office, the City�s Purchasing Manager agreed to allow this bid to be withdrawn.
The apparent lowest bid is now $1,059,000, submitted by All American Asphalt of Corona, California. This bid amount is 11.5 percent above the engineer�s estimate of $950,000. Staff has contacted references and received comments that All American Asphalt has completed similar projects with satisfactory results.
This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to Sections 15301(c) and 15303. A Public Notice of Environmental Decision was posted on July 19, 2002 and removed on July 30, 2002.
Construction of this project is planned to occur between September and December 2003. Public Works staff has given early notice of this proposed project to the Principal of Jordan Middle School. A project notification to all properties within the project limits on Mariposa Street is planned for mailing upon award of the contract.
Fiscal Impact
Sufficient funding for this project will be made available in Project No. 13759. The construction cost of this street improvement project is eligible to receive Federal funding reimbursement (88.53 %) from Caltrans through the Surface Transportation Program � Local (STP-L). The City is fronting the funds eligible for reimbursement from the Gas Tax Fund (Fund 125), as approved in the City�s Capital Improvement Program, and Public Works staff has set aside the remaining matching amount from the City�s annual Fund 370 appropriation for street construction.
To receive construction reimbursement on this project, the City must execute Program Supplement No. 009-M to Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 07-5200 for Federal-Aid Projects dated July 15, 1997. Caltrans reimburses on approved invoices submitted by the City.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents, awarding a construction contract to All American Asphalt, and authorizing execution of a supplemental funding agreement with Caltrans for Bid Schedule No. 1068, Mariposa Street Improvements, Verdugo Avenue to Valley Heart Drive.
Attachment:: Exhibits A, B