Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 29, 2003Agenda Item - 11 |
The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council with the proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2003-2004 Annual Work Program and Departmental Performance Indicators from Park, Recreation and Community Services, Library Services, City Attorney�s Office, City Manager�s Office, and City Council Office.
The Annual Work Program is used as a management tool to identify, prioritize, and monitor the City's projects in accordance with the Strategic Plan. The proposed FY 2003-2004 Annual Work Program includes over 300 goals and objectives, including several capital improvement projects.
Included with the Annual Work Program review are the FY 2003-2004 Departmental Performance Indicators. Performance Indicators are used by the City to assess how efficiently and effectively programs and activities are provided, and determine whether organizational goals are being met. Performance Indicators have become an integral part of the budget process for most cities and are a needed component to compete for state and national budget awards.
Although this is an �initial presentation� and not a �status update,� each Department Manager will present their proposed FY 2003-2004 Annual Work Program and Performance Indicators for the City Council�s review and be prepared to answer any questions from the Council.
Staff continues to believe that the Annual Work Program and Departmental Performance Indicators are effective project-tracking and work quality measurement tools that assist the City Council in achieving their Strategic Plan goals. Staff requests that the City Council review the proposed FY 2003-2004 Work Program and Departmental Performance Indicators from the Public Works, Management Services, and Financial Services Departments.