Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Agenda Item - 3







DATE: July 22, 2003
TO: Mary Alvord, City Manager

Bruce S. Feng, Public Works Director

By: Kenneth Johnson, Traffic Engineer




Staff requests that City Council approve Professional Services Agreements (PSAs) with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) for design and integration services and with Transportation and Energy Solutions, Inc. (TES) for design and planning services for the San Fernando Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) project.  The KHA portion of the design project is $266,500, and the TES component is $247,000, for a total design cost of $513,500.




The cities of Glendale and Burbank applied to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) in 1999 for a grant to maximize the operational capacity and efficiency of the surface street network adjacent to Interstate 5 in the two communities.  The joint project was developed through the Arroyo Verdugo Traffic Forum (AVTF) to combat traffic congestion and frequent incidents in the Interstate 5 corridor.  The grant application specified the City of Glendale as the lead agency for the project.  The City Council approved a formal agreement between the City of Glendale and the City of Burbank on April 2, 2002 to finalize the grant submittal.


The grant project includes the development of a traffic management system deployment plan that includes:


         Coordination of traffic signals on major corridors adjacent to I-5,

         Development of dynamic traffic signal timing plans for the corridors,

         Seamless traffic signal coordination between Glendale and Burbank,

         Completion of a regional communications network, and

         Improved safety of at-grade Metrolink crossings.


The goal of the project is to maximize the operational capacity and efficiency of the surface street network via the application of five key components of the ITS.  The elements are described below and their locations are shown in Attachment 1.

Fiber Optic Communication System will enable a large amount of video and other traffic related data to be transmitted at high speed between the field components and traffic operation centers in Burbank and Glendale. This system will provide for seamless traffic operation and management across jurisdictional boundaries.


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a system of video cameras that transmit images by means of a secured communications link.  Strategically located cameras will verify congestion and incidents that occur on local and regional arterials.  A total of 13 CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the corridor in Burbank.


System Detector Stations are a basic building block in providing valuable information to system operators and computes regarding the actual volumes, occupancies, and speeds at any instant on the roadway network. They are effective for both traffic-responsive plan selection (during periods of recurring congestion) and detecting periods of non-recurring congestion and incidents.  A total of 13 system detector stations will be placed in Burbank.


Trailblazer Signs are dynamic diversion routing signs that will be installed at major driver decision points within the corridors. These signs are used primarily for dynamic rerouting of freeway traffic along adjacent arterial street systems. Trailblazer signs are also proposed along freeway off-ramps to provide guidance to motorists. Trailblazer signs will be installed at a total of 12 intersections in Burbank.


Portable Changeable Message Signs (CMS) provide visual information to motorists regarding congestion and/or incidents in a specific area. Portable components allow the rapid positioning of a flexible information system to warn motorists of incidents, and allow them to consider alternate routes.


Downtown Parking Management will be an ancillary benefit to this ITS project.  The project will install the necessary communications infrastructure to monitor and control parking guidance signage and parking structure occupancy information signs.


The total estimated cost for the San Fernando ITS project is $7,114,000, with $4,730,000 allocated to Burbank and $2,681,000 allocated to Glendale.  The division of the grant funds is based on the specific traffic control facilities in each community.  Burbank will receive a total of $3,684,000 from Los Angeles County Proposition C grant funds administered by LACMTA (80 percent of the total project costs).

The total Burbank project allocation includes $4,216,500 for construction and $513,500 for design for a total project cost of $4,730,000.  Construction engineering and project management tasks will be performed by City of Burbank staff as an in-kind contribution to the project.  The in-kind City contribution is estimated at $110,000.



The City of Glendale completed a thorough evaluation of five engineering design firms to select KHA to complete the planning and design of their portion of the project, and a Burbank staff member participated in the selection process so that the same design team could be used for both parts of the total project.  The KHA design team also included Meyer, Mohaddes and Associates for system planning and integration, and this firm will perform the same tasks for Burbank.


TES was selected to complete design and planning work in conjunction with the other firms.  TES successfully completed similar work for the Media District ITS project, for which we are currently soliciting bids.  TES is a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), registered with the State of California, and has extensive experience with the planning and design of ITS systems.  The selected firms have collaborated on past projects.


The breakdown of work is as follows:


            Kimley Horn and Associates:          Design of Fiber Communications       $ 122,400

                                                                        Design of DMS Signs                          $   55,000

            Meyer Mohaddes Associates         ITS Planning/ Integration                      $   89,100

            Transp. and Energy Solutions         Management and Work Review         $   31,000

                                                                        Fiber Allocation, TMC Equipment      $  99,000

                                                                        Design of CCTV and Detection         $   68,000

                                                                        Construction Support                          $   24,000

                                                                        Fiber Management Software             $   25,000


            TOTAL PROJECT                                                                                            $513,500




The City of Burbank will receive a total of $3,684,000 from Los Angeles County Proposition C grant funds administered by LACMTA, and the required local match from Burbank is $1,046,000.  This total local match was appropriated for this project in account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.13292 (San Fernando ITS Project) in the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed PSAs with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. and with Transportation and Engineering Solutions, Inc.



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