Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 17, 2003Agenda Item - 8 |
Staff is requesting City Council approval of Final Tract Map No. 53413, owned by Burbank Cottages L.P., a California Limited Partnership.
Final Tract Map No. 53413 covers addresses within the area bound by Empire Avenue, North Ontario Street, Thornton Avenue, and North Fairview Street. Located in an R-4 Medium Density Multiple Family Residential zone, this multi-family neighborhood has been targeted by the City and Redevelopment Agency for revitalization due to numerous factors that have led to the deterioration of the area.
M. David Paul proposed to develop 20 small-lot single-family homes along North Ontario and North Fairview Street and an 8,600 square foot childcare center. A total of eight properties were acquired ranging from vacant lots, non-conforming businesses, and substandard apartment buildings. All of the residents and businesses have been relocated with the assistance of a variety of relocation benefits from the Agency, and the site has been cleared of all buildings and is ready for the development of the M. David Paul project.
The project creates a total of twenty-two (22) lots, with Lot 1 designed for the childcare center. Lot 2 is designed to include all the common areas controlled by a homeowners association, and lots 3-22 have been designed for the 20 individually owned residential dwelling units.
Pursuant to Burbank Municipal Code Section 27-313 (Council Action on Tentative Map), the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 53413 on July 10, 2001 by Resolution 26,051 (Exhibit A).
The Final Tract Map is statutorily exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15268(B)(3).
Conditions of Approval for Final Tract Map No. 53413 have been cleared by the Planning Division for purposes of the Final map approval.
Staff has determined that this map is in compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 53413, and that it meets the Conditions of Approval for the overall project that pertained to the property. According to the State Subdivision Map Act, Chapter 3, Article 4, Section 66458, and the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Burbank Municipal Code, the City Council must approve the Final Tract Map No. 53413 if it conforms to all the requirements. If such conformity does not exist, the Council must disapprove the map at the meeting it receives the map, or at its next regular meeting. If the City Council has not authorized an extension to allow more time to disapprove the map, and the map conforms to all requirements, the map shall be deemed approved by operation of law.
Staff recommends that City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 53413, owned by Burbank Cottages L.P., a California Limited Partnership.
Vicinity Map Exhibit A