Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 17, 2003Agenda Item - 10 |
On December 10, 2002, the Council passed Resolution #26,388 approving an agreement between the City of Burbank and the Burbank Firefighters (BFF) and Resolution #26,389 approving an agreement between the City of Burbank and the Burbank Firefighters Chief Officers Unit (BFF-COU) and amending the annual budget for fiscal year 2002-2003.
The agreement with the Burbank Firefighters (BFF) understated the cost for fiscal year 2002-2003 by $29,580 (.28%). The annual salary increase should be 3.64% of total budget instead of the previously reported 3.36%. At the time of the original resolution the parties had not yet reached agreement on the educational incentive. This issue was resolved on February 13, 2003.
Also, subsequent to the original resolution, the parties completed the January 1, 2003 Firefighter salary survey. The estimated increase at the time of the original resolution was .78%. The actual survey called for a 1.40%. This is $65,497 (.62%) more than the original resolution. However, since this is actually a six month increase, the $65,497 should be reduced by one-half to $32,749 (.31%).
The parties also completed the January 1, 2003 salary survey for the Burbank Firefighters-Chief Officers Unit (BFF-COU). This survey called for a .87% increase to bring the Battalion Chiefs up to survey. The estimated increase at the time of the original resolution was .70%, which is $1,388 (.17%) less than the actual increase needed. However, since this is actually a six month increase, the $1,388 should be reduced by one half to $694 (.085%). RECOMMENDATION
Staff recommends that the Council approve the attached resolutions and amend and extend the Memorandums of Understanding that reflect these adjustments and amend the 2002-2003 annual budget.
John K. Nicoll Management Services Director