Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Agenda Item - 3


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staff report

DATE: June 10, 2003
TO: Mary Alvord, City Manager

Jennifer Wyatt, Information Technology Director

By: Peter Sio, Oracle Systems Manager

SUBJECT: Thomas Bros Maps License Agreement



The purpose of this staff report is to obtain Council approval for the Information Technology Department to enter into a three year license agreement with Thomas Bros. Maps.




The Information Technology Department has been licensing with Thomas Bros. Maps for years to acquire Los Angeles County area data to help staff generate Geographical Information Systems (GIS) base-maps.  The Information Technology GIS staff uses Thomas Bros. Maps to support internal GIS map requests by BWP and PWD Engineering, CDD Planning and Redevelopment, and private contractors who are working with the City.  The Fire and Police department use the maps �Page and Grid� system which makes navigating quick and easy for public safety officials when responding to an emergency.


Thomas Bros. Maps digital database is the same database used to create the comprehensive detail of the Thomas Bros. printed map guide which offers accurate GIS mapping layers to desktop users. This easy-to-use GIS data allows us to look up addresses, save multiple locations for future reference, copy and paste maps into other documents, and print out manuscript quality maps with the same coverage as the standard Thomas Guide�.


Thomas Bros. Maps digital database contains 15 different GIS mapping layers upgraded annually and offers the high standards of quality and digital accuracy up to 10-foot spatial accuracy for which Thomas Bros. Maps has always been known.




The Information Technology Department had an initial five year license agreement with Thomas Bros. Maps that expires on May 31, 2003.  As such, Information Technology Department requested and has received Thomas Bros. Maps quotations with the following options.


1.      One Year Agreement � $4,000 per year

2.      Three Year Agreement - $2,000 per year for three years

3.      Five Year Agreement - $4,500 for the first year, $4,000 the second year, no payment for year 3, 4, and 5.


After reviewing the above options, staff believes that Option #2, the Three Year Agreement, provides the cost effective solution we desire while providing the flexibility of a three year term versus a five year term. 


The Information Technology Department is in the process of completing a Land Data Management Plan which will include recommendations for data management, roles and responsibilities between customer departments and IT for the ongoing, efficient maintenance of our land data (critical data layers).  It is our recommendation to proceed with the three year agreement due to the ongoing analysis of how to move forward with GIS data at this time.


Fiscal Impact


There is no fiscal impact.  The money for the renewal is appropriated in the Information Technology Department Fiscal Year 2002-03 operating budget.




Staff recommends Council approve a resolution that allows the Information Technology Department to enter into a three year agreement with Thomas Bros. Maps.



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