Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 3, 2003Agenda Item - 5 |
PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Chandler Boulevard Bikeway Project.
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: Removal of railroad tracks
Authorization from Caltrans to proceed with bikeway construction
The review process typically takes 60 days to complete. However, in March, the Caltrans Environmental Division requested a Historic Property Survey Report and an Archaeological Survey Report to be performed on the right-of-way.
After conducting a site visit with City staff, Caltrans Environmental Division personnel determined that no historic cultural resources were present in the project area that might have been eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places or to the California Register of Historic Places. Likewise, a cultural resources records search by the South Central Coastal Information Center indicated that no archaeological work was needed at this time. Staff was thus able to satisfy both of Caltran�s requests, and expects to receive PS&E approval in early June.
Fiber Optic installation agreement with MTA
In March 2003, staff forwarded the cost estimate, along with the final version of the agreement, to MTA for signature. However, in April, MTA notified the City that they had decided to design and construct the fiber optic conduit with their own forces before the City starts the bikeway construction. Staff anticipates this will prevent several weeks, if not months, of additional delay in attempting to reach an agreement with MTA on the fiber optic design and construction issue. MTA is expected to begin construction of the fiber optic conduit in July and complete it by October 2003.
Updated Project Schedule
Assuming Caltrans issues the Authorization to Proceed in early June 2003, the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council note and file this update. Staff will continue to provide updates to Council to keep them informed of the project.