Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Agenda Item - 9


DATE: May 27, 2003
TO: Mary Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

By Greg Herrmann, Asst. CDD





During Council�s consideration of the proposed Platt project, several residents of the neighborhood north of the site voiced concerns of increasing cut-through and speeding traffic.  The Council directed staff to return in a one-step, two-step process with a proposal for studying traffic conditions and developing a neighborhood protection plan to address any existing and projected problems.  This report recommends the study area limits, the study approach and methodology, and requests authorization to solicit consultant services to assist staff in this study.  Staff will subsequently return to Council with a proposed consultant contract and scope of work, and request an appropriation of Development Impact Fees to fund the costs.  


Proposed Study


Staff proposes to study the residential neighborhood bounded by Alameda Avenue, Hollywood Way, Oak Street, and Fairview Avenue.  (Exhibit A)  This area was selected because it constitutes the neighborhood having the greatest potential to experience additional impacts from traffic associated with adjacent commercial development.  It is bounded by two major arterials, one collector (Oak) and Fairview, which was chosen for the eastern limit due to the alignment of streets in that area. 


The initial steps in conducting the study would be to take existing traffic counts, and to retain a consultant to assist with the analysis and public outreach.  Conducting counts of existing traffic volumes on each of the residential streets within the study area must be done prior to the completion of school year to accurately reflect typical conditions.  In anticipation of Council�s direction to proceed with this study, the Public Works Dept. is scheduled to conduct those counts within the necessary time period. 


Staff proposes to select a traffic consultant from a short list of available firms that are qualified to perform this type of work.  It is likely that the selected consultant could be under contract within six weeks from the current date.  Based upon the cost of consulting services for prior studies, and the size of the study area, staff believes that cost of services would be in the range of $25-30,000.  Traffic Impact Fees are available for appropriation to fund the contract cost.  The additional costs of staff support and materials could be covered through the adopted budget. 


The public outreach component of this study will entail a series of public meetings, opinion/comment solicitations, and periodic progress reports.  Notices of a kick-off meeting in early summer would be mailed to residents of the study area, inviting them to provide their perspectives and suggestions, review recently-taken traffic volume counts, and help direct the scope of the study.  Attendees would be invited to form a representative group to meet periodically with staff throughout the study to review progress and provide community perspectives. 


Fiscal Impact


The cost of the consulting services can be funded from available Development Impact Fees.   Sufficient funds are available in adopted budget to cover staff and support costs.




Direct staff to bring back a proposal for the study as outlined in this report.


List of Exhibits


EXHIBIT A:    Map of Proposed Study Area


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