Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 27, 2003Agenda Item - 8 |
Purpose A number of questions and concerns have been raised during Council meetings and elsewhere concerning traffic growth and the ability of the City to maintain adequate circulation. Recently, at the conclusion of the Platt project hearing, the Council directed staff to return in a one-step, two-step process with a proposal for a study session on traffic and transportation issues. This report provides a proposed outline for such a presentation. Proposed OutlineAs proposed, the presentation would include a discussion of the measurement and trend of regional and local traffic volumes, how the local roadway system is being improved to handle the additional traffic, the forecasting of future traffic conditions, the methodology for determining the impacts of a particular development project, the funding and programming of transportation improvements, neighborhood protection, trip-reductions programs, and public transit and other transportation alternatives. The following outline presents the main subject areas of the study session. Staff believes that a Power Point presentation following this organization will provide the appropriate framework to present the more detailed information regarding the City�s current traffic and transportation program and projects, and form a backdrop for the Council discussion. PROPOSED TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION STUDY - SESSION OUTLINE I. Determinants of traffic conditions
A. Demand B. Capacity C. Travel Characteristics D. Travel Alternatives E. Extent to which City can effect each factor
II. Travel Demand
A. How it is measured? B. Regional and Local generation C. Five-year growth rates D. Local control over additional growth E. Current and Future conditions
III. System Capacity
A. How is it measured? B. Typical capacity-enhancing improvements C. Relationship between Demand and Capacity�LOS D. City Standard E. Recently completed or currently being implemented capacity-enhancing improvements F. Projects that are currently being designed for construction starts within next two years G. Future Conditions and Improvements
1. How future needs and improvements are identified 2. Future improvements being designed or studied
IV. Travel Characteristics
A. Various other factors of traffic operations
1. Vehicle types 2. Motorists� abilities and knowledge 3. Physical conditions of streets 4. On-street parking and driveways
B. What the City does to improve conditions
V. Travel Alternatives and Trip-Reduction Programs
A. Alternative transportation choices reduce demand B. Trip-Reduction Programs
VI. Conclusion Fiscal Impact No expenditures beyond budgeted staff and materials costs would occur as a result of this proposed presentation. Recommendation Staff recommends conducting a study session on traffic and transportation issues on June 24, 2003, and requests direction on the proposed content.