Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 13, 2003Agenda Item - 5 |
To request City Council approval of contract documents (plans and specifications) and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1145 (BS1145), Robert Gross Park Frontage Renovations.
The Empire Avenue Transportation, Utility & Landscape ("Empire Avenue Beautification") project is included in the adopted FY2001/2002 Capital Improvement Program. The goal of this project is to upgrade the function and appearance of the Empire Avenue corridor, recognizing its evolution from a purely industrial area to emerging office, hospitality, and retail center developments (i.e., Media Studios North, Burbank Empire Center, A-1 North, etc.).
The Empire Avenue Beautification project is being constructed in segments in order to coordinate with other nearby projects. These other projects include the A-1 North development at Hollywood Way and Empire Avenue; the Media Studios North projects between Ontario Street and Hollywood Way; a new development on the south side of Empire Avenue, west of Ontario Street; and Burbank Water & Power�s reclaimed water line from Robert Gross Park to west of Hollywood Way. Coordinating our projects reduces the risks of damaging recently completed work.
The Empire Avenue Beautification project�s segments are illustrated on Exhibit A and described below.
Segment 1: Avon Street/Hollywood Way Connector (Completed October 2002)
� Construct a street to replace existing alley � Resurface Avon Street � Signalize the new intersection of Avon Street and Hollywood Way � Install underground street lighting system � Landscape Avon Street and Empire Avenue, Avon Street to Hollywood Way
Segment 2: Improvement of Empire Avenue, Buena Vista Street to Valpreda Street (Completed March 2003)
� Resurface Empire Avenue in this segment � Construct decorative stamped asphalt crosswalks at signalized intersections of Buena Vista, Lincoln and Valpreda Streets � Install underground street lighting system � Construct landscaped median islands and plant parkway street trees with decorative tree well covers
Segment 3: Robert Gross Park Frontage Improvements (BS1145)
� Construct new parkway sidewalk with street trees � Replace existing chain-link fence with decorative steel fence and pilasters � Install a 110-foot long masonry block wall for future signage to identify the park � Construct a decorative iron gate at the driveway entrance � Landscape behind the new sidewalk Schedule: Construction is scheduled to occur during Summer 2003
Segment 4: Improvement of Empire Avenue, Buena Vista Street to Clybourn Street
� Resurface Empire Avenue in this segment � Construct decorative stamped asphalt crosswalks at the intersection of Ontario Street (to be signalized by developer) � Construct storm drain improvements � Install underground street lighting system � Construct landscaped median islands and plant street trees with decorative tree well covers Schedule: Construction is tentatively scheduled for late Summer/Fall 2003 to coordinate with required developer improvements to signalize the Ontario Street/Empire Avenue intersection; and construction of a traffic signal interconnect system between Ontario Street and Buena Vista Street.
The Empire Avenue Beautification project, including BS1145, is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It involves negligible or no expansion of the existing uses and was determined, per CEQA Section 15301(c), not to have a significant impact on the environment. A Public Notice of Environmental Decision was posted on October 6, 2000, through October 22, 2000. On November 28, 2000, the City Council adopted a resolution accepting this Environmental Decision.
BS1145, which is the third of four segments for this project, was advertised for construction bids on March 22 & 26, 2003. A bid opening was held on April 8, 2003, and eight (8) contractors submitted bids ranging from $99,565.42 to $165,020.54, as shown in Exhibit B. S.H.E. Construction Group of Reseda, California, submitted the lowest bid, 26 percent below the engineer�s estimate of $135,000. Staff investigated S.H.E. references and received favorable comments (i.e., good work quality and completes project on time or early).
The renovations occur along the park�s frontage on the south side of Empire Avenue west of Naomi Street; and they include construction of sidewalk and driveway, steel fencing with pilasters and gates, a masonry wall, plumbing, and landscape improvements. The driveway entrance width into the park will accommodate two-way traffic.
Construction of BS1145 is to occur between June and September 2003. FISCAL IMPACT:
Sufficient funding for BS1145 is available in Account No. 370-CD12A-70999-1177 (Empire Avenue Beautification project).
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents (plans and specifications) and awarding a construction contract for BS1145.
Attachments: Exhibits A and B