Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Agenda Item - 6



                                                                                                                         City of Burbank

                                                                                  Park, Recreation and

Community Services Department

DATE: April 29, 2003
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Michael S. Flad, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director
SUBJECT: South San Fernando Park Naming Request


Staff is requesting City Council approval of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board�s recommendation to name the South San Fernando Park project in honor of Bud Ovrom. 



During the Introduction of Additional Agenda Items portion of the March 4, 2003 City Council meeting, Mayor David Laurell requested that the naming of South San Fernando Park in honor of Bud Ovrom be placed on a future City Council agenda.  The process for the nomination and approval of naming public facilities is detailed in the Naming of Public Facilities Ordinance, Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-1801 through 2-1804. (Attachment A)  In accordance with the Naming of Public Facilities Ordinance, staff placed this request on the March 13, 2003 Park, Recreation and Community Services Board agenda for discussion and a recommendation.  During the March 13, 2003 meeting, it was the recommendation of a majority of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board that staff develop a Naming of Public Facilities Application for the purpose of naming the South San Fernando Park project in honor of Mr. Ovrom. (Attachment B) 


In accordance with the established process, the application was then submitted to the City Clerk, and placed on the April 10, 2003 agenda of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board for additional discussion and a recommendation to the City Council.   As part of the presentation to the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board, staff prepared and presented a Park Facility Naming Inventory (Attachment C) for the purpose of providing some perspective on past facility naming requests and a memo to the Board dated April 7, 2003 outlining Mr. Ovrom�s efforts as they relate to the South San Fernando Park project. (Attachment D)



As stated in Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-1804, the City Council may �recommend or approve the dedication, naming or renaming of a public facility for an individual where the reviewing body finds (1) the individual has made a significant contribution to Burbank, the State of California, the United States or the world, in any area including, but not limited to health, education, civic involvement, housing, public service, employment, or the arts; and (2) such contribution has contributed to the general well being of society.  The individual, whether living or dead, need not be or have been a resident of Burbank, the State of California or the United States.�  It is the opinion of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board and staff that Mr. Ovrom meets the criteria established in the Burbank Municipal Code and is eligible for public facility naming consideration.  As outlined in the attached application and memo to the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board, Mr. Ovrom has made  impressive contributions to the South San Fernando Park project, the Park, Recreation and Community Services Department and the entire City of Burbank during his years as City Manager.   


It should be noted that during the March 13, 2003 meeting of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board staff was directed to proceed with application submittal on a 3-2 vote of the Board.  The recommendation to approve naming the facility in honor of Mr. Ovrom from the April 10, 2003 meeting of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board was also the result of a 3-2 vote. 


In summary, three issues of primary concern were introduced by the dissenting Board members during their deliberations.  First, it was the opinion of two Board members that while Mr. Ovrom�s contributions to the Department and the South San Fernando Park project were significant, Mr. Ovrom was a paid employee of the City of Burbank and was compensated for his efforts.  Second, it was the opinion of the dissenting voters that perhaps a facility that transcends departmental lines and was not exclusively a Park, Recreation and Community Services facility would be more appropriate given Mr. Ovrom�s city-wide impact.  And, third, comments were made concerning the appropriateness of naming a facility after a person who is still living.  While none of these three issues preclude facility naming, and it was the majority opinion of the Board to recommend naming the South San Fernando Park project in honor of Mr. Ovrom, staff has included a summary of the dissenting Board opinion in an effort to equally and fairly present the views of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board and staff.


As outlined in the Naming of Facilities Ordinance, �The Council�s decision is final and not subject to review.� 



There is no fiscal impact as a result of the recommended action.    



It is the recommendation of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board and staff that the City Council approve a Facility Naming Request for the purpose of naming the South San Fernando Park project in honor of Bud Ovrom.


MSF: ca


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