Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 18, 2003Agenda Item - 6 |
PURPOSE The purpose of these recommendations is to assist the Burbank Water and Power (BWP) and Public Works departments to remain market competitive in compensation. This resolution adjusts the salaries of Principal Civil Engineer in Burbank Water and Power and Public Works, as shown in Exhibit A. This re-establishes the internal relationship between the Principal Civil Engineer / BWP and Senior Civil Engineer / BWP which existed prior to raising the Senior Civil Engineers in BWP and Public Works and equalizes salaries of Principal Civil Engineers in both departments. FACTS
FISCAL IMPACT The annual increase in the base salary of a Principal Civil Engineer / BWP is estimated at $11,292. The Burbank Water and Power FY2002 - 2003 budget approved by the Council has sufficient salary savings to allow for this increase. The annual increases in the base salary of a Principal Civil Engineer (Management) is $15,324, and a Principal Civil Engineer (Unrepresented) is $6,792. The Public Works Department FY2002 - 2003 budget approved by the Council has sufficient salary savings to allow for these increases. ANALYSIS & CONCLUSION The adjustment of the Principal Civil Engineer salaries will improve the ability of Burbank Water and Power and Public Works to recruit and retain appropriately qualified individuals. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the salaries of the Principal Civil Engineers be adjusted as shown in Exhibit A. John K. Nicoll Management Services Director Attachment Exhibit A Principal Civil Engineer / BWP CTC No. 0680
Principal Civil Engineer CTC No. 0679
Principal Civil Engineer CTC No. 5679