Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 18, 2003Agenda Item - 5 |
Staff requests City Council approval of the final change order for Bid Schedule No. 1121, Buena Vista Street Traffic Signal Interconnect and Fiber Optic Communication System project. BACKGROUND: In Fiscal Year 1999/2000, City Council approved a project in the CIP budget to expand the existing traffic signal communications system to three streets: Buena Vista Street, Burbank Boulevard, and Magnolia Boulevard. The communications interconnect system connects the traffic signals on these three streets to the Burbank traffic signal management system, for a coordinated traffic signal operation to improve the efficiency and safety of these streets. Bid Schedule No. 1121, installation of communications cable on Buena Vista Street, is the first phase of this program. The project scope for Bid Schedule No. 1121 included the installation of 17,000 linear feet of 3 inch conduit, the connection to existing traffic signal systems and the installation of ancillary underground equipment. The construction project was awarded to C. T. and F., Inc. for a total cost of $329,569.00. Construction began in October 2002 and finished in January 2003. ANALYSIS: The quantities of some bid items were increased from minor modifications during construction and from unforeseen conditions that impeded the progress of construction. These items increased the total construction cost of the project. The following items were incorporated into the project through change orders:
The final change order resulted in an additional cost of $57,643.96, which increased the original contract of $329,569.00 by 17.5%. The change order was based on the unit costs included in the initial low bid. The total cost of the project with the change orders is $387,212.96. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the final change order of $57,643.96 is available in Account No. 125.PW22G.70002.0000.12484. A total of $472,910 was budgeted and appropriated to this account from the Gas Tax Fund for the completion of the Buena Vista Street Traffic Signal Interconnect and Fiber Optic Communication System project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the final change order for Bid Schedule No. 1121, Buena Vista Street Traffic Signal Interconnect and Fiber Optic Communication System project. Attachment A � A map showing the limits of this project. BF: MS |